Chapter 1-New Battlegrounds

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A/n: I'm sure no one is gun a read this so I guess it's just for fun now,and if you are. Wow 0.o you're DETERMINED huh.

Levi's POV

Glaring forwards as the thundering of horse's hooves echoed on the empty horizon,I leaned into my horse's hide,a blank slate look on my face as I readied my blades,yelling over to Eren,"Are you ready to turn Titan if the need arises?" I asked him,he nodded,quickly placing his fist over his heart in a salute. As I looked forwards,I saw a group of Titans and it was even mode terrifying than we'd first thought,I saw one of the Titans that had blueish skin attacking another normal Titan,it's scream of rage echoing in my head. Seeing the tiny human stood next to them with fear in their eyes I quickly said to Mikasa,"Get the child out of there."she nodded,a look of something that I'd never seen in her eyes as she launched her wires,the hooks landing near trees away from them.

Mikasa's POV

Seeing the look of fear in the kid's orbs I felt a tiny bit of remorse and as I was launched through the air,I passed one of the Titans that stared right into my eyes something I noticed was the wide grin stretched over his face and I gasped silently before seeing the kid. Passing by the kid,I picked them up and held them to my chest,releasing my wires at the trees and swirling around one of the trees before launching my wires back towards Levi,landing on a tree and pushing off,zooming off as a blur of brown and grey. The child yelled out to the Titans "Guy-" I covered their mouth before they could finish,did the kid have a death wish,when I passed a comrade's horse,I dropped the kid onto their horse and they turned,thundering towards the wall again.

Setting myself back onto my horse,I saw that one of the Titans had a look of anger in their amber eyes as they lunged forwards,only to be held back by one of the others,a more animal looking one,with a soft motherly look in her eyes. "Incredible! They have intelligence!" Eren said,holding his thumb in front of his face and looking at me and I shook my head,indicating to wait for a while,he nodded and quickly grabbed the horse's reigns again,Levi looked like he was about to launch his wires and head for that one. Now all of the Titans were awards we were coming and I held a lightning in my eyes as I lead ahead of Levi,my rage for my adoptive mother's death boiling over me but I tried not to make this fight personal.

Eren's POV

Making sure my grip was loose on my reigns,making easy access to my thumb,my goal clear in my mind as I made sure to follow the sort of order we have with our set up,me in the very rear,though I still had a good view,a voice called out to me,snapping me out of it. Hange Zoë was smiling at me,her thinly rimmed glasses shining as she looked ahead at the Monster Titans,"This is going to be fun!"she said,a tone that sent a shiver up my spine,I kept looking at the monsters,they looked to be discussing a plan. My scientific friend then whispered lowly to me,"You need to be careful,we don't know what these beauties are capable of. "she said,a gleam in her eyes making it look like it was her job to find out.

Suddenly Samuel who was to my left was thrown off of his horse by a blue light,he rolled over a few times,his body getting covered in small scrapes,he wasn't down for long until he used his ODM gear to get back onto his horse and growled,wiping a small smear of blood on his face. He growled,his anger clear but he held it back swearing to himself"Son of a Female Titan!"I heard him swear underneath his breath,he hated when Titans toyed with us for fun,it happened to his friend before he died. Not sure if I could hold on any longer I stared at the skin of my thumb,knowing that Levi wouldn't blame me if I transformed but I needed to keep it a surprise for now,I had a feeling they really had a sense of intelligence.

Suddenly Levi released his wires and hooked onto the woods behind them,flashing forwards,everyone else following them with fierce looks on their faces,I laughed myself overhead along with Mikasa,a grin on my face as I felt the winds in my hair,I saw Levi's eyes glinting like they always did. I could tell they were all surprised until one of them that looked like the Smiling Titan held up a hand,something blue coming from his hand,holding us all in midair,I tried to move anything of mine but couldn't. Levi glared at the one skeleton and I quickly tried to move my hand,if I could get it to my face then I could turn into a Titan and fight these monsters,I heard the skeleton using the magic to hold us asked,"Where's Frisk?!"his tone was angered,a frown pulling on it's face.

"Who's Frisk?" Mikasa asked herself and looked back towards the wall where the Scout I'd sent back was waiting,a red or yellow flare ready to be set off in his hand as he held back the child from jumping over the edge of the wall as they seemed to be talking to him. For the moment,the Monster Titans were distracted and Levi broke free,his eyes glinting that same bone chilling red shone in his eyes,his two swords by his sides as the others broke free as well,following him,he tried to slice over the arm that was still stretched out but he dodged it. Levi lunged again but at the pale blue one,he enjoyed having fights with abnormals who had intelligence,I held my hand to my face,looking at the area I needed to bite to turn into a Titan.

Levi's POV

'Back of the head,nape of the neck.'I mentally reminded myself as I went for the one that looked the most fierce,a scowl on her face,I needed to use my normal tactic,confuse by quick attack and then go for the kill,my blades made quick work,slicing underneath the pale blue surface of it's skin. This one was fast,it made multiple grabs for me and two I'd come into close contact with while the others had been swiftly avoided,I saw Samuel L was coming in for the kill and landed on it's neck,pulling out his blades. Before he could make the blow he was thrown off by it's pale blue hand,he caught himself just in time though "Amazing!" fan girled Hange,a grin on her face as her eyes gleamed with interest.

Suddenly everyone stopped,we were all launched into the ground and I looked around to see every other soldier had been injured Eren especially,his whole left arm had been taken from him,he wasn't in pain though,his body naturally healed back his missing limb. Looking down at myself I knew wouldn't stop me from my goal so I tried to stand,only to feel like something was weighing in my chest heavily,keeping us pinned to the ground,I kept trying to stand though. My eyes shone,I saw a way that we could stun them,we wouldn't go for them yet,we don't have enough information,I loaded in an acoustic flare and covered my ears,everyone else did as I sent the flare up,an echoing screech filling the area.

Mikasa's POV

Behind us a yellow flare went up,followed by a blue one,this mission was only for the intelligence about them,so,it was a success,we were all released from whatever was pinning us down and we used out ODM gear to our horses,turning and riding back towards the gate. A collective sense of relief passed us over as we realised the Titans weren't following us as we headed towards the towering wall,I saw Eren looking back at them,a glimmer of something in his eyes that I was familiar with,he wanted to pull something stupid. His eyes met mine and I could see he'd noticed the prominent smile on one of them,just like the Titan that killed his mother,a small glare was set in his face as he muttered something.

"We need information from that kid that was with them."

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