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Shaking uncontrollably in the light mist of the early morning, she pulled against the rope around her neck. Shivering she shook her head, her wet hair slapping her neck and back. She was desperate for someone to help her. The big scary man had left her tied to an old tree last night. He didn't even put a blanket over her naked body. When she could find sleep she had dreamt of her warm bed at home close to her sisters. She had never slept outside all alone before. Fear encompassed her every thought.

She heard them coming before she could see them. She didn't know if she should be fearful or ecstatic. She hesitantly peered around. Backing up to the tree as close as she could get. Then she saw them. The big scary man and...
Oh thank heavens! Her friend!! He would help her. She got excited at seeing him.
He came up to her with towels to dry her and blankets to cover her. She was getting warmer and she leaned in to show her appreciation. He took hold of the rope and untied her. She moved quickly away from the tree and the big scary man. Then her friend called her name.
She came to him and he put his hand on her cheek and neck then kissed her nose. Keeping his arm around her shoulders he began to talk sharply to the big scary man.

The big scary man grunted and said, " Like I said before, the storm came up too fast last night and she ran off before I could wrangle her."
Then she remembered. He hadn't left her tied here. She had gotten scared by the lightening and thunder. She had run crazy and gotten tangle in the old tree branches.
She nibbled on the carrot her friend held out for her. Oh boy did she have a story to tell the girls in the barn. She may even be the most famous horse in this county once the story gets around.

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