
24 1 0

Sweet hell of emotions
burning through my veins
as i see how he reaches to your waist.
You let him touch you knowing what it does to me.

Looking at me,
I see that you are enjoying this situacion as much as i'm haiting it.

I feel the furry of a fire running through my veins as it becames rage.
Is bulding it up, tearing everything apart.

With my hands in fists,
My face red in anger,
My knucles becoming white as i try to calm myself down.

My mind playing tricks again..

You in his arms as he make's you his,
Is to much to take in as i see how he reaches down for a kiss, and when it happens i just can't take it anymore.

Getting out of there,
I slam my fist into my Cars window,
Feeling the blood coming out, but it doesnt hurt, not anymore.

I drive to the only place i can think off, The old shack.

Getting in,
I reach for a bottle of vodka.
It feels so different i haven't had a drink since i started going out with you.
I left it ,
my so call "bad habit",
I Made all this sacrafices so i could become the perfect partner for you.
All this decisions only so in the end you ended up leaving.


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