Chapter 7: Good Girl Gone Bad

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Hello People. Finally I have updated. I am happy that this book is close to 1k reads. So happy. Anyway, Chapter 7! Enjoy!


Kaitlyn's POV

It has been a week since my heart got shattered. I am moving on. I haven't talked to AJ or Punk at all. I have nothing to say to them. I starting hanging out with Seth Rollins. Tonight, I am taking him on a date.

I hoped in the shower and washed up real good. I got out and dried off. I put on a black and white strapless dress that showed off a little cleavage. I put on some white open toed heels and a nice silver necklace with black diamonds. I put on some simple eye liner and straightened my hair. I put on some Victoria Secret perfume as there was  knock on the door.

I went to answer it and there stood Seth in a tux and roses. I blushed. "Hi Seth" I said as I took the roses and put them in my hotel room.

"Hi Kaitlyn. You look stunning tonight." He said with a smile. "Thanks, and you look very handsome" I said. He turned his head trying to hide a little blush. I giggled.

"Shall we get going?" He asked as he extended his hand. I connected our hands. "Yes" I said with a smile. We walked down the street go this very fancy restaurant.

We walked in and sat at our reserved table. We ordered our food and we talked about random things. It was a very good date and we finally arrived outside my door.

"Thanks for the date" I said with a smile. "No problem. I had a great time" He said with a smile. I looked in his eyes and leaned in and so did he. We Kissed.

It was filled with so much passion. We parted and we smiled at each other. "Kaitlyn, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes" I said as i nodded. "Great. I will see you tomorrow" He said as he pecked me on the lips. I got butterflies. "Yes" I said. He nodded and walked away around the corner.

The Next Morning

I woke up with a smile on My face. Ny date with Seth was awesome and I was taken now. I got up and took a shower. I got out when I finished and put on some red shorts, a black tank top and my black cans. I put my hair in a pony tail and packed my things.

Later At The Arena

I was sitting at a table in catering when my eyes were covered by two hands. "Guess who?" The mystery man asked and I knew who it was. "The Joker" I said with a giggle. He uncovered my hands to reveal himself. "No silly, its me" He said with a giggle.

"I know. Hey baby" I said as he sat next to me. "Hey" He said as he put his arm next to me. I snuggled in his chest a little bit. "So what's on your schedule?" I asked. "Me and Roman are taking on The Real Americans. You?" He asked. "Taking on Natalya" I said. "Cool" He said. We started flirting and laughing at jokes mostly

about Vickie G.


I was walking into catering until something caught my eye. Kaitlyn and Seth were flirting with each other. For some reason, that made me a little angry.

I hid behind some crates and watched. They seemed close and it made me mad. I shouldn't be mad. I have Punk. Then I saw Them kiss. I started breathing hard. That almost killed me. I stormed off down the hall.

I started screaming.  I pushed over ladders and threw chairs down the hall and at the wall. I kicked over things and pushed over stage equipment. I was pissed off. I knocked things off of tables and thew them. I pushed over tables. The stage crew looked scared but I didn't care at the moment. I fell to my knees and pounded the ground. After throwing a tantrum for about 10 minutes, I calmed down.

I walked away from the huge mess I made and heard the stage crew staggering to clean it up. I turned the corner and found Kaitlyn talking to Sandra, the seemtress for us Divas.

I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder and she turned around with a smile but when she saw me, it turned into a frown. That hurt.

"Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure" She said as she followed me to a private place to talk. "So I noticed that you and Seth are getting close. What's up with that?" I asked. "Why does it matter to you?" She said rudely. "Well I think I can know who my ex is dating" I said. "Well that is personal and there is a reason your an ex. How is Punk by the way?" She asked.

"He is doing good. So you and Seth?" I asked again. "Me and Seth are dating" She said. That hurt more.

"Goodbye AJ. I have to go find my boyfriend and wish him good luck tonight" She said as she started to walk off. "So your choosing a boy over you friend but also your ex girlfriend?" I yelled out to her.

She turned to me and gave me a shocked face expression. She came back and stared at me. "Last time I checked, you chose Punk over me so don't act like the innocent one. And I am choosing my boyfriend over the no good whore standing here" She said and started to walk off.

I was mad. I grabbed the closest weapon I could find which was a microphone. I hit her in her head from behind. I grabbed her hair and ran her face first into the vending machine. I hit her head against hit many times and threw her onto a table. I jumped on her and started hitting her and i saw blood fly. I threw her off the table and she landed on her knees. I then backed up and gave her the Shining Wizard. I then threw some crates on top of her.

"Bitch" I said to her and laughed evily as I saw my ex best friend and girlfriend broken and unconscious on the floor. I then skipped away.


So what do you guys think?

So Kaitlyn is moving on?

What do you think of Kaitlyn and Seth?

Is AJ jealous?

Why did she attack Kaitlyn?

Will Kaitlyn get revenge?




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