Wonderful Wizard of Bras (Disney)

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There used to be a "Wonderful Wizard of Bras" on site

Picture the scene: you're at Disneyland, with your family. The kids are eager to experience the rides, visit Sleeping Beauty's castle, and meet Mickey Mouse. But instead, you enter a shop, on the park's famous Main Street. Everywhere you look, there are displays of women's undergarments ... and, then, lurking in the shadows, you spot a strangely sinister mechanical figure. It's a robot, dressed in stockings, a corset and an enormous ruff.

The robot slowly revolves, on a moving stage. He introduces himself (it's a male robot) as ..."The Wonderful Wizard of Bras".

Unbelievably, this occurrence (well, something a lot like it) could in fact have happened during the first six months of Disneyland.  The  Hollywood-Maxwell Intimate Apparel shop, run by the Hollywood-Maxwell Brassiere company, consisted of a sort of sartorial journey through time: there was an exhibition of women's under clothing from the nineteenth century through to the 1950s, and a shop where women could purchase modern-day brassieres. 

The strangest aspect of the whole experience, however was definitely the shop's resident mechanical mascot, who spoke via a pre-recorded tape.  

Just in case your mind's eye isn't quite up to the task, here's a contemporary newspaper picture of the wizard, with Disney vice president CV Wood, and Hollywood-Maxwell's Herndon J Norris. (Perhaps understandably, both appear to be doing their best to ignore the robot, photo above)

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