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     Hearing the alarm clock ring through my head, already gave me a bad start to the day. I slammed the off button on the alarm clock and went to the restroom. Scratching my itchy ass balls gave me a little relief and some of the annoyance faded away. As I brushed my teeth, I looked at the scars and bruises on my arms and side of my hips. 

     Man... These scars, how long have I had them? Thinking back, back four years, I remember my ghetto ass life. No mother, just an abusive dad. Living in a small and cramped apartment, which reeked of cigarettes and perfume of girls. Always getting into fights- back then, everything was survival.

     Oh shit. I got lost in my thoughts again. Fuck.

      I finished brushing my teeth, and went to change my clothes. Just a pair of black joggers, a white t-shirt, and a black hoodie. That's how I roll yo.' I grabbed my backpack, that had literally nothing in it except a pencil and an eraser. Putting on my black ass Nike shoes, I took in a deep breath and walked out my apartment. First day of my Junior year, I hope I don't fuck things up like I did the last two years of my high school.

     I walked at a slow pace, just enjoying the pretty good life I had. My school was pretty close to my apartment I'd say, so I had no problem walking. It was just waking up from my cozy bed, that I had a lotta' trouble with. Ok then, Mr. Parker. Where the fuck is his class. I kept walking around trying to look for this hoe but I couldn't find his class. Goddammit. I don't wanna be late on the first day of school, AGAIN. 

     I turned the corner, and guess what I ran into? Nope, you guessed wrong. It was a group of "delinquents" or as people call them now a days, "gangsters" were ganging up on a kid, yay. Nope. The kid had big nerdy glasses, and was holding his textbooks for class. Of course, typical nerd that people would pick on. Man, why is this world so stupid? I turned the other way and continued on searching for my class. Well, what do you expect me to do? Get in a fight and ruin my peaceful life?

     Hell naw bruh, ain't doin that.

     I turned another corner, and thank god I didn't freaking run into another death trap. I kept walking and finally on my left was 244, Mr.Parker the hoe that made me walk so much. I walked into my class and great. Let's play the guessing game again. Guess what I ran into? Nope. You guessed wrong again you fucker. 

     The whole class. Like I mean, the whole fucking class, was filled with ALL, and yes I mean ALL, well actually MOST of the old kids that I had issues and got into fights with in my freshman and my sophomore year. Great. Ugh. Just when I legit was going to change and have a peaceful life, my whole class is filled with all these hoes and fuckers that I almost tried to kill in my past years. Great. Just great.

     I walked in slowly and felt eyes on me, and annoying little chit chat about me. Well, I don't blame. I was a pretty violent and psycho kid in the past. I looked to my left and saw Leo, a guy that used to be my friend. But then all of a sudden he accused me of stealing his girlfriend and tried to kill me. We both got into a huge fight and that's one of the stories of how I got suspended. He looked at me and his eyes filled with rage, and he flipped the middle finger at me. I put on one of those, 'come at me hoe' faces and returned the favor.

      But, other than flipping him off, I didn't do anything else cause fuck, I ain't tryin to get suspended today. I sat down at a random desk near the back, and next to the window. Cause boi, seats near the back and right next the window are lit. You can just doze off, and nobody will notice or care. I put my backpack down and sat. Then, guess what's next? I took a nap.

     I put my head on the table and closed me eyes. Smiling, cause' this feeling was deja vu. Back on the first of my freshman and sophomore year, I remember taking a nap, just like this. But, just when I was just getting comfortable and about to sleep. Some hoe fucking has to kick the door, and stomp in so fucking loud y'all would think he's fucking Big Foot or some shit. I palmed face and looked up.


     The same dude and his gang that I saw beating up the poor kid walks in. I looked at Mr. Parker and felt sorry for his ass. He was a pretty old man, and just having a bunch of gangster looking highschoolers was way more than enough just to give him a heart attack. Now, everyone's eyes were fixated on the group. But me? Nahhhh. I went back to my nap and slept peacefully. But I guess, sleeping wasn't the right thing to do in this case, cause I heard footsteps come in my direction. And I thought.

     Oh shit.

     Maybe If I pretend I'm dead, he won't notice me. Hah! My ass, what am I thinking? 

     "Hey. You. I want this spot, so get out," one of the 'gangsters' said. I looked up and we both locked eyes. Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a tall frame. Damn, he's pretty hot. Bitch, shut up, NO-HOMO. "What the fuck you looking at, you piece of shit?"

     "I don't know," I said bluntly, trying to cover up the fact that I was looking at his face, and wishing I looked that handsome. Well, I mean, I'm pretty handsome If I do say so myself.

     "What the fuck, you psycho? Whatever, get the fuck outta my seat."

     "Come on man, don't be like that. There are plenty of other good seats for you to doze off. Here, you can sit behind me. Or in front of me if you want. I'm just lazy to move bro." I was trying to solve the situation by offering him other really good seats, but I guess he didn't like that shit cause he gave me a 'you must be mental' look, before trying to punch me.

      I grabbed his fist and squeezed it tight. "Come on man! I don't want it to be like this! Why are you people always resorting to violence?!" I shouted, getting annoyed at why I have to deal with this bullshit in the morning. I was stupid to be caught up in my thoughts because when I wasn't looking, he pulled a jab and hit me right in the cheeks. My neck cracked from the explosive power and got a nosebleed. Wiping it away, I stood up and looked at him with a pair of deadly green eyes. 

     "I hate nosebleeds," I said, before quickly punching his stomach and making him cough up so much spit, that you would need a mop to clean up. The guy fell to the ground.

     He wiped away the spit and blood, and shouted out, "That all you got, you pussy?!" Standing up, he got his second wind before he was about to go in for another blow, until a bunch of teachers came and held him back. I know I wanted peace, but you can't stop once you start. I saw a clear opportunity, and went straight for his nose, but then he dodged and punched my nose instead. More teachers came in and held me back as well. 

     And that, kids. Is the story of my first day of Junior year at Lincoln High school.

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