Random Facts about Harper!

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*Harper's full name is Harper Elo Klondike

*he will often appear quiet and distant, but he is very outgoing and kind

*he has a very faint Finnish accent

*he enjoys visiting aquariums, especially of they feature whale sharks

*Harper's legs are his best feature

*Harper's Zodiac sign is Sagittarius

*When at his home in the pacific northwest, he will often visit Ochi

*Harper owns a large variety of blankets, pins, and patches

*his favorite color is pastel / dusty blue

*his haircolor has ranged from bleached to blonde to light brown

*Harper can do a cartwheel on ice in full gear

*Harper met Ochi three weeks before the draft in a food court

*Harper dislikes tea

*There's an ongoing inside joke with Harper and the rest of the team for every time they play in Canada, Klondike wears a flannel to "fit in" (bonus: the flannel was previously Ochi's)

*Harper was very excited when he rode his first skateboard. He was 18 when it happened and Ochi live-tweeted the whole thing

*Harper's favorite food is French fries

*Harper's favorite animals are cats, birds, and whale sharks


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