Chapter Five- Carissa

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I logged onto my laptop to look up the poetry under anonymous names. I clicked on the first link and came across a news article.

Young girl Paige Carter was found dead in her apartment with her laptop on. Police looked through her laptop and found several Google Documents with poems written by Ms. Carter. After reading through the many poems, they discovered something strange. There were several cryptic poems describing death. Ms. Carter and the anonymous writer seemed to be conversing using the poetry. Ms. Carter seemed to be trying to figure out who the anonymous writer was. The last poem on the document was written by the anonymous writer, describing a death where the victim died of their eyes being cut out, which is how Ms. Carter died. Police think that the anonymous writer is some sort of serial killer and tried to identify them. They never found out who the writer was, but gave up as there were no deaths relatable to the Ms. Carter incident. The police investigated further on the Document and found out that Ms. Carter hadn't shared the Doc with anyone and it was private, meaning the Google account was most likely hacked in some way.

I shuddered. That is really creepy. It sounds strangely similar to our situation. There was a link to photographs of the poems written by the hacker. I read through them and gasped. The first few were literally the same ones on our doc!! That is insane. I sent the link to Gem along with a message to look at the photographs. This is really freaking me out. I decided to look into it a bit more.

Apparently there were two other deaths related to this one but those were from a while ago and there aren't any recent articles. I looked at the dates of the articles and noticed something weird. All the deaths were five years apart, and they all happened on March 29th. I looked at today's date. Oh my gosh it's March 19th. With the way this is going, it looks like Gem and I are Anonymous's next victims, and we only have 10 days left to live.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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