Chapter 1

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These are the first sounds I hear on my first day of school. My alarm clock still continues so I smash it in a fist of flames. Wait, Flames? Oh, I forgot about that mysterious rock I found in my backyard a week ago. That rock melted on my skin as soon as I touched it, but this hasn't happened yet. I guess that rock had some supernatural powers I didn't know about, but I didn't have time to worry about it now, I had to get ready for school.

As soon I left my home, I started to sprint to school, thank god that we moved near it. Midway through that sprint I head someone yelling, "LOOK OUT!!!!!" *CRASH* Next thing I knew I was on the ground facing a girl. She had turquoise hair & lime green eyes. She too was on the ground searching for something, "ARGH, where are my glasses?!" Glasses, I might as well help her find them. "Hey, is it okay if I help," I asked her. "Huh, oh yea sure," she replied back. We searched and finally I found them. "Here, are these it." "YEAH, Thank you soo much," she said in thanks. "No problem, its the least I can do since I did crash into you," I replied with a smile. "Hey, what's your name," I asked her. "My name is Hajimo Mato, what's yours." "Its Miyuki, Miyuki Hottora," she replied. "Well I have to get to class, Hajimo. I'm Sophomore Class A, & and I don't want to be late." "I'll see you later then," I replied. "If chance grants that wish." Then like that she was off running.

I went my class, Sophomore Class B, and chose my seat in the back window seat. Then these group of guys came up to me. there was a fat guy, a skinny guy, and a muscular guy. "What do ya'll want," I asked. "This is Namekaze's seat, so go get a new seat," the fat one said. "Well he wasn't here to sit in it, so its mine now, now back off." The muscular one grabbed my collar and picked me off the seat. "You should really learn you place," he said in fury. "Hey, I'm new to this place so i would really appreciate it if you would let go and back off." "OH, so your new to Tameka High, huh? Well let me introduce my self, I'm Rei Namekaze, and I'm the Alpha in this school, so learn your place and back down." I looked at Rei to see Fox ears and a tail. "Oh, I'm soo scared, first time I wasn't Alpha in school. Maybe I should de-throne you as Alpha and take the position for my self," I smirked. "WHY YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" He tried to punch me, but I dodged and punched him in the stomach. I tried not to start a fight this early, but it already happened and I need to finish it. The two others were easy to handle. I took down the fat one with one punch ,and the skinny one was just a very bad fighter, so i just tripped him and he was down for the count. Rei on the other hand, he was actually an experienced fighter by his attacks, but I easily dodged the and returned them back at him. Once he was down for some time I opened up the window. He got up and charged at me, but I grabbed him by his throat and his leg and tossed him through the window outside, where he was down for the count. *sigh* "He'll survive since he's a Jackal." Then the bell just rung, and I already knew this is gonna be an interesting day.

High School, but with a twistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang