The Queen's Kingdom

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"Aria, we need to hurry up and move everything to the dorm before the others get back. They need to meet their newest edition as quick as possible so let's go!" My guardian and manager yells from my dorm bedroom.

He acts as if we're taking the whole damn dorm, but in reality it's like, ten boxes! Plus, we haven't even been here for five minutes.

We weren't even moving everything that's in my dorm room, to the place I will be in living in, since they already have everything else.

He's overly dramatic.

Grabbing two boxes, I make my way outside. Setting them down into his large van that usually held the other members, but was being used as a moving truck today.

He set two more down next to me and that's how it continued for another ten minutes until we finally got done and took our seats in the front of the van.

"I haven't told the boys who you are yet." He started off as he started the car. "They know they will be getting a surprise new member for their group but they don't know who or what gender. I'm assuming they think it's a boy." He sighs.

"Though, it is pretty obvious because your room has the sign, The Queen's Kingdom, and your studio has the sign, The Produce Kingdom. I worry about these boys sometimes."

"I would too if I knew them personally. Why haven't they asked what gender by now?" I asks, buckling up my seat belt as he starts to drive.

"Well the boys have gotten busy so I'm not even sure they've seen the signs. Actually, scratch that. Suga has seen your sign at least once since your studio is right next to his."

"Well it could be a guy naming his studio The Produce Kingdom, you never know." I shrug.

"That's true. Well anyways, since the boys have just finished a project, they are getting a week off. During that time, I want you all to get used to each other." He says, pulling into the parking lot of the dorms.

Short drive, I know.

I only lived about three minutes away from them.

"Oh, before you meet them though, remember to not let them see that you are a little. If anyone finds out, let it be Jin. I don't know how the others would react to it. Also, don't tell them I am your guardian alright?" He mentions, as he turns the van off.

See, my guardians real name is Bang Si-Hyuk but most people call him Bang PD nim. Yeah, that's right. My legal guardian is the Bang PD who basically owns BigHit Entertainment and has written, produced and composed lots of songs. Plus, he's a record executive.

But I'm not an idol just because of him, I was one before he ever adopted me. Plus, no one even knows he is my guardian so I get no special treatment.

"I won't, don't worry. Wait, so does that mean I just stay in my room or studio when I'm in little space?" I ask, moving a bit in the passengers seat.

I'm already getting restless thinking about my headspace. I wanted nothing more than to be in it but I knew I couldn't because I had things to do today. This whole week I wasn't able to go into little space because of the things I had to do. This was just so difficult for me.

Great... I bet I'm going to get into little space when I'm supposed to be a big girl.

That's just how my life is.

"Yes, or try to stay a 19 year old for a little longer alright? Other than that, you're good. Now let's hurry up, they get here in 30 minutes."

I nod and we continue our journey up the elevators to put my things away into my room, which can I say, is very spacious.

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