When we met

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Axl's POV

I watched the girl walk over to us and stand next to the tall blonde they called Candie. Candie looked at her, smiled and said "Sissy, this is the band Guns N' Roses, they wanted to meet you" Sissy looked at us all, smiled shyly, and said "Hey ya'll" I looked at her, smiled and thought "Wow!! She must be from the south, you don't ever hear anybody in L.A saying "hey ya'll" She caught my eyes and I swear I saw a little spark behind those baby blues.

Duff decided to introduce us one by one starting with Izzy. "This is Izzy Stradlin, the quiet and less stupid one. He plays rhythm guitar." Izzy took Sissy's hand and gently kissed it. Sissy blushed and said with her accent "He must be a gentleman then." Izzy replied with a nod. "This is Slash, the whiskey drinker, and the sex-craved lunatic. He plays lead guitar." Slash tipped his top hat at her and Sissy said "We should get along." Slash looked up at her, raised his eye brows and showed her a flirtatious smile. Sissy's big blue eyes widened in horror after she realized what Slash thought she meant and said while waving her hands back and forth, "No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I'm a whisky drinker too." Slash smiled and said "Good, maybe you can come to our apartment sometime and we can drink as much whisky as you want and talk about stupid shit." Sissy let out a cute little laugh and said "Sounds good" Duff continued with Steven next but Steven jumped up off the bar stool and cut him off by introducing himself saying happily "Hey, I'm Steven Adler, I'm the happy and bubbly one. I bang on the drums, and other things, if you know what I mean.". Sissy stuck out her hand as Steven took it and shook it. Sissy just laughed and said "Nice to meet you Steven." Then it was my turn. I wonder what Duff was going to say about me. "This is Axl Rose, he's pretty chill but he can be a real asshole sometimes. He's the singer." Sissy locked eyes with me as she shook my hand and I have never seen eyes as blue as hers. Her eyes were way bluer than my old girlfriends eyes. I was mesmerized by them.

I fell out of my trance when she looked away and was listening to Duff as he introduced himself saying "And last but not least, I'm Duff McKagan, the tall blonde at your service. I'm known for drinking a shit-ton of vodka, so don't be surprised if I have at least 4 bottles by the time we leave tonight. Oh, and I play bass guitar." She started laughing while he bowed down and kissed her hand then shot right back up and gave her one of his flirtatious smiles.
The guys laughed and Slash said "He's also a lady's man, if you know what I mean". Sissy laughed as Slash wriggled his eye brows like he was hinting something. I listened at her laugh and watched her smile and I couldn't help but think "damn, I'm in trouble".

We started talking about where we all came from. Sissy kind of gave each of us a funny look when we told her where we were from. I took a drag from my cigarette and ask the tan-legged girl "What was that look for?" She looked at me, kind of blushed and said "I don't know, I just, I don't know." I let the smoke roll off my lips and I smiled and kind of laughed at her and said "It's ok to talk to us, we might look like a bunch of assholes, but we're just like every other guy in L.A. Maybe a little more respectful towards our friends though." She relaxed a little as I noticed she was more of the shy type of girl. I felt the need for her to open up to me, as weird as that sounds. "What the hell is happening to me, I don't act like this!!"
I noticed she gave me one of her little, cute signature smiles after I told her that. I already figured out her smile, now I feel like I need to know more about her.

While Slash was telling Sissy about his pet snake, I looked at the clock on the wall and I said "Holy shit guys, it's 2:30, we need to get home!" I heard a couple grumbles and a few "ow man's" when we were walking out the door. I was walking behind Slash when we were leaving and he stopped in front of me suddenly causing me to run into him and I said "What the hell man?!" as he turned around, I heard a cute, little giggle coming from behind the bar. I know who it was, but I wanted to turn around anyway. I started to really become attracted to that little giggle of Sissy's.

Slash walked over to Sissy and said "Are you about to get off work?" Sissy looked at all of us while Duff, Steven and Izzy made their way in through the door again. She walked around the bar and said "As a matter of fact I am, why?" Slash said "We could walk you home, if you don't have a car?" Me and Slash looked at each other at the same time and I gave him the death glare as Sissy walked over to us. Slash said "If your scared of the dark, you can walk next to Axl, he's not afraid of anybody or anything" Sissy smiled sweetly at Slash and said "Sure, you guys can walk me half way" Steven practically burst with joy that Sissy was walking with us. Sissy noticed and said " Steven, are you exited that I'm walkin' with ya'll? " He turned around and skipped over to Sissy and started walking on the other side of us while saying " Yea I'm exited, a girl is walking with us" Sissy looked at him kind of funny and said " Do girls not walk with ya'll? " I couldn't help but look down while smiling at her accent. Steven laughed and said "We usually have sluts and hoes walking with us, not a decent girl like you Peaches" Izzy turned around and said "Did you just call her Peaches, Stevie?" Steven smiled and said matter of factly "Yes I did" Duff said "Why peaches?" Steven said "Cause, she's from Georgia, ever heard of a Georgia peach?" Slash said "Ohhh, that's where that's from." I looked at Steven and said "I don't recall hearing Sissy telling us where she was from?"
Slash started laughing and said "You don't remember cause you were staring in her eyes, mesmerized by those baby blues while she was telling us, dumbass!!" The boys busted out laughing as Sissy quickly turned her head and looked up at me. I looked away in embarrassment, for the first time I'm trying to avoid those blue eyes that got me in this mess. Sissy nudged my arm and I looked down at her and she smiled and said quietly "It's okay, I don't mind." She turned away and smiled at the boys laughing and talking. I looked ahead up the street, smiled and thought "Well, this should be fun."

We walked two streets over from The Whiskey and the farther we got, the slower Sissy walked. I thought "Why is Sissy walking so slow? Shouldn't she be walking faster towards her house?" When we got closer to her street, she turned around and said " I can walk the rest of the way by myself" Steven and Duff began to whine about not walking Sissy all the way home and Sissy smiled her beautiful smile and said "It's okay, don't whine about it. I'll see ya'll the next time ya'll come to The Whiskey. I geruntee ya'll I'll be workin'" We said our goodbyes and I was thinking on the way back to the apartment "She's gotta be hiding something"

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