13. belong

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Lucy's POV

I breathed in a sigh of relief after he said he liked the kiss. To be honest, my heart was pounding with anxiety. I never thought I was a good kisser. And I'm glad it made him feel better.

Gosh, Lucy, why'd you kiss the poor guy?? He's gonna wanna date you and kiss you now. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?

I was screaming in my mind but in reality I was holding hands with a hot guy. And we were talking about Hawaii.

"I've always wanted to go there...see the beach, tour the island, have awesome food. But now I can't."

Then I got mad. Andrew was always talking down on himself. "Yes you can. You don't need to actually see the beach to enjoy it. You don't need to see the island to tour it. And dude, you don't need to look at food to eat it."

He was quiet. During that time, I stared at his eyes. They were so blue. It was as if I was looking into sea glass. Mesmerizing. It looked as if he was completely normal, except for the cloudy look that he always had.

"Thank you," Andrew said softly a few minutes after. His hand gripped mine harder, and I looked down and placed my other hand over it.

"For what?"

"For making me feel like I belong."

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