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"hey, it's your 13th sigh that i heard ever since we walked inside the school grounds, jinny. stop it; it's annoying" seunghyuk complained as he heard jinny's multiple sighs.

"iM really doomed seunghyuk what if he sees me right here right now" jinny said, not knowing what to do. she can actually deny it but she's not good in lying and bets to herself that she'll fail doing so. which makes it more difficult to her.

"just,, ignore him, jinny my glob you're such a girl!" seunghyuk can't take jinny's paranoid self anymore. she kept on fidgeting until they got into their classroom and respective seats, which is by the way, just next to each other.

"and you're such a boy!" jinny half yelled-whispered to him because she doesn't want others to notice what they're talking about.

"yeah yeah, fine. classes is about to start now stop fidgeting nini" and that's jinny's cue to calm herself; seunghyuk already called her by her childhood name nini and he only calls her that when he's super serious. ;aaa;

"Goodmorning, fellow students. I'm here to announce some important things." a boy walked over to their class with a very bright smile. despite his very bright smile, people can sense authority in the way he moves and so the students quickly paid attention to the boy.

but not jinny. she remained frozen in her seat as she heard that authoritative voice. she knew so well who's voice is that. it's none other than the guy whom she never wanted to meet today— lee euiwoong. she felt a nudge on her side and looked up seeing seunghyuk mouthing "it's him, dumbass." and tried not to laugh at jinny's frozen face.

"As I was saying, I'm here to announce that the fair is coming in 2 weeks and I need you all to plan what's your section's booth and suggestions. Find time to plan and when done—" lee euiwoong roamed his eyes in the class and spotted the girl he's been looking for for goblin knows when, park jinny. "when done, park jinny can report to me the plans. That's all" Euiwoong said smiling brightly to the class before meeting gaze with jinny and left. she knew euiwoong won't let her go that easily. she begun fidgeting again imagining how would euiwoong confront her about the text messages and now reminiscing the times she actually sent messages to euiwoong, makes her cringe. she literally kept on saying i love you in mathematical forms and confesses in a very cringey way.

soon, their classes started and jinny have to get her shit together. she can only sigh about the turn of events before shrugging it off to focus on her lessons.

math my way ✎ - euiwoongWhere stories live. Discover now