Chapter 2

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'Earth without art is just eh'


Now, I have just come back from the lawyer. My grandma gave me all her art supplies, paintings included. After leaving home, I walk slowly on the grey cement walkway, my head down. I don't need to look up, I know the way to grandma's home off by heart. It doesn't take long until I'm standing in front the small house. The familiar cream walls stand above me, and as I open the oak door I remember all the times I had entered this house, usually smiling. Now I'm not. I enter the cold darkness and close the door silently behind me. After turning on the light, I look around. Surprisingly, nothing has changed. The small table, the three chairs, there is even a bowl of now too-ripe fruits on the table. The red armchair is still in the same place, facing the window. Nothing has been touched ever since that day. I move past it. This is not what I came here to see. I quietly walk through the room, until I open the next door.

Here is the most important room in the house, at least in my eyes. And hers, too. In the center is a chair, an easel just in front. All over the walls are paintings, all done by her. Paintings of worlds, of unknown people, fairies and other humanoid creatures no-one knows except for her. All mine, now. I move forward to look at the painting on the easel, and freeze. It's me, in a beautiful multicolored dress, like a rainbow. I'm smiling gently, and in my eyes there seems to be a light, a sparkling light like stars. I whip my head away, feeling tears rise again. I have to stop.

That's when I notice a painting I hadn't seen before. Maybe it's more recent? But as I move closer, I see that I'm wrong. The frame is worn out, and even if the painting itself isn't damaged, it gives off an impression of age. I crouch by it, mesmerized by the incredible detail in it. It seems to be divided into four parts. On the left is a huge mountain, with flying creatures around it. On one flank of the mountain is a castle. Then, on the right, is a big meadow, with colorful flowers and trees all over. Despite it's tiny size, I can see a small village. There is a castle too, there, with crowds of people around. Behind this meadow is the sea, deep and blue. Somehow, in it's depths, I can make out a palace, made out of coral and pearls. Merpeople swim in it's clear waters. I bring my gaze down, to the lowest part of the painting. Here, the sea's clear and beautiful waters seem far. Smoke, fire and dark stones make up most of this painting. The castle there is dark as coal, looming over the rest like the Shadow of death. But strangely, through a window, I spot a laughing face. It's a woman, and she seems truly happy.

I draw back from the painting. I feel strange, it seems so real, and so detailed... Sighing, I stand up. I'm about to leave the room when something makes me stop. What's the name of this painting? I turn around and walk back to the painting, take it gently and look behind. καθετί. I'm surprised as I see that. I didn't know my grandma spoke, or wrote, greek. I remember from my greek lessons that it's pronouncedkatheti, and it means everything. Why had my grandma called it that?... I gently stroke the castle in the meadow, wondering about it.


A sudden rush of wind.

Everything becomes dark.




Authors note: Hope you liked it! I'm actually quite proud of it. ^^ See you soon and thanks for reading!

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