Magic? Only in Cards!

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Chapter 1: Magic? Only in Cards!

"I don't know how long I've been here, but I do know that this place is, in a weird way, hostile. If you are reading this, it means my message got to civilization safely. What I'm about to tell you is the truth, as much as I wish that I could have made it up. This island is full of things you wouldn't believe, and the inhabitants...well, I don't know what to say about them. It all started on a cruise ship to Hawaii from the mainland..."



That's all there is. Nothing is around to light it up.

I can't see.

I can't hear.







...Who's there?

A glow shows a female figure, wings spread completely, standing in front of me. She wore a hooded coat that seemed to connect to different snake-like tassels toward her waist.

"You need to save them," she spoke quietly.

Save who?

"Beware the creatures of the island."

What do you mean?

"You aren't defenseless. You have all you need with you."

What are you talking about?! Who are you?!

"...It's time for you to wake up."

~oOo~ head. Who hit me? And for that matter...where am I? These were just some of the questions floating in his head as he slowly regained consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he immediately closed them as a bright light practically stabbed through his eyelids. He tried opening them again, though slower to let his eyes adjust. The first sight to greet him was a sandy expanse leading to a forest in front of him and to an ocean behind him.

Memory check: my name is Cameron, I live in the outskirts of Seattle, I'm 17, and I'm a big sucker for video games and anime. Yep I remember everything. He looked down to check his body for injuries. His green t-shirt with a 1-up mushroom had no signs of damage, nor did his stomach or chest. His dark blue jeans showed some wear-and-tear damage along the knees, but were still wearable. The white Skechers he wore were covered in dirt, but otherwise alright.

After blowing the sand off his glasses, he slowly stood up, bracing himself for the slight head-rush that lasted about 10 seconds.

So what do I remember happening? I was on a cruise with my sister, my parents, and my cousins, the ship was passing by some islands when...some kind of alarm went off...then I got nothing...

Try as he might, Cameron couldn't remember what happened after the alarm went off. He eventually decided to put it at the back of his mind and came up with some form of a plan.

Ok, main priority, find my family, find anyone else from the ship then find a way off the island. Okay, now what all do I have with me? He felt around in his pockets. I have my phone (which surprisingly still works but has no service right now...), my wallet, my MP3 player (also in working condition somehow).

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