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Dorian cranes his neck to give a disapproving look at the gray clouds right after the first raindrops land against his windshield. He doesn't like driving with a heavy pour and with the way the clouds are looking, that is exactly what he is getting. He reminded himself that he was thankfully mere minutes from his destination.

The entire street was as familiar as the back of his hand when he turned onto it; from the street's sign at the beginning to the first corners of a familiar hedge. When he passes them, he notices the frail looking woman still standing outside, even if the rain is mercilessly pouring down on her. Dorian stops the car and jumps out of it immediately.

She is pulling at a bedcover that the winds carried off into a tree-branch when she was trying to save her laundry from the rain. Now they are all wet again and one is stuck in a tree. Dorian stands next to her and squints his eyes doubtfully. "I doubt we can get it down without tearing it."

"Oh, it's ancient. Really doesn't matter. If you can get it down in whatever the condition, I'll be more than happy."

Dorian yanks at the sheet until it tumbles down of them like a wet curtain. Stacy laughs merrily and gathers it in her hands. "I can now wash the floors with this." Her gray hair clings to her forehead as she looks at him with a friendly smile. "Have you come home, Dorian?"

"Yes, I'm visiting. It's Mel's birthday."

Stacy furrows her eyebrows, before her eyes light up in realization. "Of course, your sister!" She looks back up at the branch with a mischievous glint in her pale eyes. "I don't suppose that was Mel's doing?"

Dorian recalls the first day he met the neighboring lady. Melinda had been harassing the poor woman, but when Stacy was told about it in later years, she only laughed about it. "I'm afraid not." His smile has turned tight and as Stacy notices this, she puts a wet hand against his cheek.

"I miss her too, Dorian. But let's not hang around here for long, you might get a cold. How about you go on home and you can come have tea with me another day, if you're around? We can recall memories together."

"Thank you, Stacy."

"Hug your sister for me!"

It could have been a simple walk to get to his parents' house from there, but he didn't want to block Stacy's drive-in. As soon as he walked in through the front door, a small body threw itself at him and he caught her. "Dorian!"

"Hello, Mel. How are you?"

"I'm good. Where were you? You said you'd be here by... Four."

"It is four, little monkey. Come, let's go say hi to mom and dad and then I'm going to teach you about clocks."

Melody giggles while he carries her on his hip towards the kitchen. "I have learned about clocks!"

Dorian stares at her with amusement as he stops in the kitchen doorway. "Then how come you don't know when it's four?"

Sheepishly, Melody twiddles her fingers in front of her. "Because I wanted you to come sooner." Dorian's face splits into a grin and he sets her down to accept the hug from his mother. She has a wide grin on her face as well and when Dorian pulls out of the hug, she throws her apron over the back of the chair.

"Oh, my. You hair has gotten so long, Dorian." She takes a strand of his hair between her fingers and twirls it around in fascination. "Is this the new trend for artists?"

"Actually, I was thinking of cutting back on the barber's fees by just waiting until I see you."

"Your hair grows faster than you visit us."

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