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January 16,today's date.Nothing has changed in Wornalls,a small town with a population of 5,179 people.We don't get much rain,it's rare to even see a drop of water come down from the sky.No one complains though,we love our little town the way it is.Everything seems almost
perfect;Friendly neighbors,great weather and nothing to worry about. But that wasn't the case.


That was his name.The man I loved the most.He was someone I thought about day and night.His name originated from greece.It meant kind and good,which he definitely was.He had such a gentle soul that would tend to the less fortunate in a heartbeat.He was like no other.That's why it's so devastating about what happened to my dear Agatone.Being hooked up to those wires in a cold bed,while he drifted off into a deep sleep waiting for his eyes to open up to the world once again.But it never will.

Sometimes it feels like he is still with me,but other times it feels like he no longer exists on this earth.I haven't heard his voice in 7 months.It's truly heartbreaking.I often visit him,three times a week to be exact.I couldn't stand watching his weak and lifeless body on the day we mourn for

Not too long ago,we were together sitting on a hill right by the market we always visit.I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Madiline,you know,I feel like the most luckiest person on earth right now",He said to me.

"Why do you say that?"I asked.

"Because I'm sitting here on this hill,with a view of the whole town and I’m with someone I care about the most.I've got everything I could ever want.My life is completed if you're in it."

That's exactly what he said.Or the time when he asked me a weird question.He asked me,"Why do people say you only live once?"

I answered with a "Maybe because we only have one chance to live life on this planet,so we should use it wisely while we still have it."

That's what I believed,but of course,Agatone had a different opinion on the matter."No,I don't think that way at all.There's no such thing as living once when we live a thousand times everyday.I live because of the little things in life,I live for moments like this,I live every time I open a new book into a new world.I've traveled everywhere and witness so much while being in the same spot.So no,I don't think we only live once."

He always thought different than everyone.He was special.I just hope that one day,we will be reunited.But until that day comes,I will think about all the memories we shared and the passion we created.I might not know when I will see Agatone again,but I do know one thing.I didn't love him because I got the chance to in life,I loved him because he was what I lived for.That night,for the first time in forever,it rained.
Hey guys,here is the first little short story in the book.The others will be longer than this chapter but I'm debating if I should turn "Agatone" into a real book....or maybe a series???I'm pretty sure you guys are just dying to know what happened to agatone and what's really going on.Sorry to leave you on the edge of your seat but....not sorry.If so,make sure to comment it so that I could see if you guys are interested or not.Love ya!



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