you won't believe it

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Marcus's POV

I was in the water with Jake,Lucas, Darling I was getting to know Darling and she seemed like a cool and chill girl a couple of days ago she told me that she likes Lucas but she told me not to tell y/n, y/n wasn't in the water with us she said she need more sun but I think she's perfect she doesn't need sun or make-up to look good she already looks good but one thing I really wanted to know was if Lucas liked Darling I'm going to ask him

"Hey Lucas can I talk to you for a sec" I asked him
"Sure what's up bro?" he asked
"Nothing much but I just wanted to know if you liked Darling?" I said
"Maybe I do maybe I don't" he said
"What about you do you like y/n?" He asked
"Maybe I do maybe I don't" I said mocking him
End of Marcus's POV

Darling's POV
I told Marcus a couple of days ago that I liked Lucas but I told him to tell anyone not even y/n I don't want her to know just yet I saw Marcus calling for Lucas I was scared because I didn't know if Marcus was going to tell Lucas that I liked him but I had to act like I wasn't scared then out of no where I was in the air and it was the one the only Jake Paul.

"OK if you say so" he was about to drop me into the water when
Lucas came and took me out of Jake's arms
"Lucas put me down"
He then put me down I was about to walk away when he pulled me into him arm and his arms were around my waist and I put my arms around his neck he looked at me and said
"Darling would you like to go on a-" he was cut off by screaming
End of Darlings POV

Y/n POV (the POV you all have been waiting for)
I was screaming my head off and out of no were there were like 19 cops holding guns and then I saw the person that I wanted to be with in there arms it was...

A/n I hoped you liked this chapter I know I haven't posted in a while but I promise I will try my best

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