Chapter 2

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*Willow comes out of no where*

Willow: Hello people we have dares 

Dipper: We thought that you forgot about us

Willow: I would never forget you guys 

Rev Dip: Sure

Will: A-anyway y-you s-said w-we h-have d-dares 

Willow: Yep Hey wait where is Tom and Marco 

Bill: They went on a trip 

Willow: Do you know when they will be back 

Dipper: Tomaro afternoon 

Rev Dip: Lets get this over with what is the dare 

Willow: Something that Bill will love and Dipper will hate 

Rev Dip: We are going to the bookstore come Will

*Rev Dip leaves and takes will with him*

Dipper: Oh Crap

Bill: Oh Yes 

Willow: the dare is "I dare Bill to put blue chains on Dipper"

Dipper: No no no no

*Dipper starts running to the door Bill takes Dipper to the ground. Chains start to wrap around Dipper*

Bill: Lets go to New York 

Dipper: No planes flying you that I am scared of heights 

Willow: Um you can use the hotel's plane 

Dipper: They have one 

Willow: Now thank you for the dare billxdipper please ask or dare willdip billdip and tomco

Ask Or Dare Billdip Willdip And TomcoWhere stories live. Discover now