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| Luke's |

I warily walked up to the front door of mine and the boys house as I knew they would pick on me about Lyla.

And I was right because as soon as I walked through the door the boys bombard me with questions.

"Did you do the naughty with her?"

"Nah - he doesn't have the balls do that - did you kiss her."

"Yeah - how was it?"

"Was it good?"

"Shut up." I said annoyed.

"He defiantly did not get lucky." Michael whispered to the boys making them laugh.

"You guys are really embarrassing - Lyla saw you peaking over the fence and I did not kiss her or 'get lucky' with her." I replied as I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"You defiantly flirted with each other though." Calum said looking down at his phone - probably on twitter.

"Oh my god Ashton you're lip-ring is really sexy." Michael said winking at Ash.

"Oh Michael don't mind me whilst I check out your ass." Ash said back making annoying kissing noises.

"We were not like that guys." I huffed taking a sip out of my water bottle.

"You were." They all replied at once making me stomp up stairs and go to my bed room - making sure to slam the door behind me.

I could hear the boys childishly giggling down the stairs - I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of my bed.

And before I knew it I had fell back on the bed and went into a deep sleep with my rather un-comfy day clothes on.

"Luke - come on." Lyla cheered to the tall blonde-haired boy.

"I'm coming babe." Luke grinned at his beautiful girlfriend.

They both ran through the lovey forest taking in the beautiful views and eventually arrived at the big lake.

"Wow this is amazing." Luke said breathless from the sprinting.

"That's why I bought you here - I knew you would love it here." Lyla said smiling at him with bright eyes.

"You know me too well." Luke said jokingly as he put his hand on his chest.

"I know you'll love this too." She replied while taking her - white - Dr Martens off and then her black dress before running toward the lake.

Luke's eyes widened as he watch his girlfriend jump into the lake making him immediately take his clothes of leaving him in his underwear like Lyla.

Luke joined his girlfriend in the surprisingly warm water.

"It's really warm in here - did you pee?" Luke said messing around.

"No I didn't!" Lyla replied swimming over to him and smacking his chest lightly.

"I'm only messing with you." He said bringing the brown-eyed girl into his arms making her nuzzle into his bare neck.

"Well don't." She said pouting up at her boyfriend.

Luke looked down at his girlfriend and placed his lips onto hers making her stop pouting and move her lips with his - they continued the kiss making Lyla wrap her legs around Luke torso as the kiss got deeper.

"Love you." Luke said pulling out of the romantic kiss.

"Love you too." His girlfriend replied with the biggest smile which made Luke's heart skip a beat.

With that Luke wrapped his strong arms around Lyla's thin body and the walked out of the huge lake - as his feet could touch the ground.

He laid Lyla on the ground before crawling up and connecting his swollen lips to her neck.

"Wake up." Lyla whispered making Luke pull back.

"What?" He questioned puzzled.

"Hey wake up" She said fading away with all the surroundings.

I suddenly jumped up making my bang heads with some else who had bright red hair - Michael.

"Ouch." Mikey said rubbing his forehead.

"Well it's you're fault for being too close." I grunted out - trying to recover from my dream.

"Well you wouldn't wake up." Michael said moodily before handing me a plate with toast with Vegemite spread on thickly.

"Yum thanks - but why have you made me breakfast?" I questioned biting into a pice of toast.

"We're filming a you tube video for 'What I Like About You' - which you clearly forgot about." Michael rolled his eyes before walking out of my bed room.

I finished my toast before shaking my head to try and forget about the events of my dream last night.

But I couldn't. Throughout filming the video I couldn't get the dream out of my head - it just seemed too realistic.

"Woah I'm sweating." Ash said getting up and opening up the huge door as we were filming in the garage.

Ash opened the door to be greeted by Adam standing there with a smile on his face.

"You guys are great." Adam said rocking backwards and forwards on his heels.

"Thanks mate." Michael smiled as he took his guitar off and put it on the stand.

"Its fine - but can I have a go on one of the guitars?" Adam questioned.

"Mmm - sure here." I said handing him my guitar carefully.

"Thanks - but this doesn't mean that I forgive you for checking-out my sister and for chatting her up." He smirked.

"Finally - someone who agrees with us." Calum said also smirking.

"I give up trying to convince you that I was not checking her out or flirting with her." I huffed.

"Whatever." Adam said as he started to play the tune of 'She's A Rebel' on my guitar.

"Wow - where did you learn that? Also good choose on song because Green Day are awesome " Ash said clearly surprised.

"I learnt it from You-Tube." He said taking the guitar strap of his neck and then hand me my instrument back.

"Cool." I said quietly, it was impressive for a boy of his age, which I was guessing was eleven.

Why wasn't I this cool when I was his age?

// Chapters will get better and longer //

I have not updated in like 2 weeks? Sorryyy.




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