Chapter 5

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'Do you want Chinese or Italian?'
We had established a dry erase board system. In every room of the house there laid a small white board with one black marker connected to it.
"There's are two totally different choices, but I'm going to have to pass, I'm going out with that girl from our anatomy class."
'On a date?'
I raised my eyebrows. For as long as I've known Calum, he was never interested in dating. He was never really interested in anything romantic actually.
"No, it's like a study type thing. I don't know, but I'll be back at 11, do you want me to order postmates?"
I shook my head. He grabbed his keys and slid his wallet into his back pocket.
"I'll see you later alright?"
He looked at me as I wrote on the board.
'Be safe.'
He smiled and winked before closing the door with a small always being muttered. I sat on at the kitchen table, working on my psychology project.
'Showing pity towards someone is not always a short term act, some relationships are built on pity alone.'
My phone buzzed, indicating a text from Calum.
'Won't be home till the morning, ran into some friends. xx'
Was he hooking up with this girl? I mean I don't care but some part of me did. Calum and I were always together but some nights he would sleepover at his friend Luke's if he went to a party. He once told me he never wanted me to see him drunk. I had always wondered why. Drunk sayings are sober thoughts. Would he say something he really meant? I typed pity into google waiting for the full range of definitions to come up.
Pity, noun, meaning the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.
a cause for regret or disappointment.
Pity, verb, feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.
Did Calum pity me?

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