Chatroom 5

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World_Royalty has started a chatroom

World_Royalty has entered the chatroom

Your_Hero has entered the chatroom

Wine_and_Baguettes has entered the chatroom

Norgay has entered the chatroom

Pianist has entered the chatroom

Yao1 has entered the chatroom

World_Royalty: How many people are on??

Eh_Land has entered the chatroom

Tomato_Lover123 has entered the chatroom

World_Royalty: Is that the last person?

Korea has entered the chatroom

World_Royalty: Nope. Nope.

Norgay: Who changed my name?

World_Royalty: Lmao dunno

Korea: you wants some freshiest fresh stale memes anyone?

Yao1: no. plz no

Your_Hero: Yes plz

Pianist: No. But do you have any piano compositions?

World_Royalty: Hell no, Roderich.

Tomato_Lover123: K. sure why not?

Wine_and_Baguettes: non

World_Royalty: I heard V and Unknown are gettin their own routes?

World_Royalty: are they tho??

Korea: That's for me to know and you to find out.

Yao1: Oh, I hope sooooooo.

World_Royalty: ikr. slay me

Norgay: ???

Pianist: Unknown?? Does he play piano?

Your_Hero: V???????¿¿¿¿

Tomato_Lover123: ¿Qué¿¿ Who are they??

Wine_and_Baguettes: Are they good looking?

Eh_Land: It's an app called Mystic Messenger, I heard.

Your_Hero: wHAT WAS THAT???

Your_Hero: Who entered that??

Eh_Land: It's me, Matthew.


Eh_Land: Alfred, calm down..

Wine_and_Baguettes: Are you seeing this, everyone?

Tomato_Lover123: What's going on?


Korea: recording this rn

Eh_Land: It's me, Matthew. I'm not a ghost.

Yao1: ...

World_Royalty: Sorry, Matthew...

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