Chapter Three

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I was laying there the same way I always do, it had been weeks since Lily left, I had given up on her ever coming back, I had given up on mum and dad coming to visit, I had given up on ever seeing Luke again and the thought of ever meeting this new baby was completely out of the question. I had given up on everything, on everyone. There was nothing left for me, no reason to be here, yet here I am still laying here, staring at the picture on the wall. They took my seahorse away the day after Lily left.

I closed my eyes to try and sleep but there was no use, I couldn't go to sleep. All I could do was think about how I missed Lily, and how all I wanted was her back. She was my best friend. My only friend. And now she's gone. And I don't know if I will ever get to see her again. She could go on with her life and forget about me and I can't do anything about it. All I can do is lie here and wonder why she left.

The next day I woke up to the sound of shouting.

"You are banned from this hospital, now leave!" I heard Nurse Dana yell.

Who? Who was banned? Is it Lily? Is she here? I was rolled to the wrong side to see who it was but, but I knew it was her. Her voice echoed through my room as she told Nurse Dana over and over that she wouldn't leave.

"I have to see him! You treat him horribly! You don't even speak to him! He needs this communication." She argued

"He's a vegetable Lily, he can't understand you! You've been gone for over two weeks and he's no different than when you left. He doesn't need this and he doesn't need you. Now leave. You are making a scene." Dana said more calmly

I heard nothing else just silence. She had left. I need her, I need the communication and I had to somehow show that so they will let her in again.

Later that day when Nurse Dana came in to turn me over I did everything in my might to tell her what I needed. I blinked rapidly I groaned and made whatever sounds I could manage. But nothing.

"Come on, we're just flipping you. Stop being difficult."

She eventually flipped me and walked out of the room. What was I supposed to do? How am I supposed to show her that I do need Lily? It's impossible. She's gone. The one good thing in my life is gone.

Then next day out of nowhere, mum shows up to visit. 


I'm sorry this chapter is short but this is an old story and trying to chop it into chapters is proving to be a struggle! next one up tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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