Izuku Midoriya ~ Flower Boy

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(M/N)'s POV

A family friend of mine is getting married soon, and we are invited to the wedding. By 'we' I mean my parents and I. And by 'family friend' I mean one of mums friends that comes over to our house and get drunk once a week. Well that sounds like it's bad but it really isn't, of coarse I'm not allowed to 'attend' these parties since I'm only 15, but they seem fun. One by one a large group of mums friends would knock at our front door with some sort of their own homemade meal/party snack, after everyone is there, they party for a few hours, drinking wine and eating the snacks they brought.

Right now, my mother is trying on her bridesmaids dress, and I have to sit here and silently die (of boredom) in a corner, just outside of the change rooms. "Errrrrrrrgh." I moan as I slouch down further into my chair. All of the bridesmaids and the bride herself are here picking out dresses for the big day. I start to look around for something, anything, else I can do to get entertained, or at least distracted for a little while. That's when I see him. Dark green hair with freckles, sitting at the other end of the white waiting room. He looks just as bored as I do, but his posture is much better then mine. What a cute face. I think, as I continue to stare at him, unable to look away. His wearing a loose white shirt with short sleeves, long blue jeans and big red... joggers?

Suddenly he looks up to me, and we lock eyes for a few seconds, before we both look away awkwardly. Mum walks out of the change rooms with the other women, they are all adorned in matching white dresses that stretch down to their knees and matching white flowers embroidered the silk-like fabric, making the dresses pop out. "(M/N)~" my mother sings. Oh no. She tries to walk over to me unsteadily on her white heels. Which then attracts 3 or 4 other woman in the same dresses. Ohh no. "It's your turn~" she sings again. I try to escape my chair and ran out but one of the other bridesmaids' husband blocked the way. "Ah, ah, ahh. We all have to go through this, just tear off the bandaid and get it over with." He explains to me with a smirk. I had a few choice words I wanted too say but for the sake of everyone around me, I didn't. Instead, I turn around and go into the arms of my mother and at least a dozen other bridesmaids' hands, hungry to dress someone as small and cute as me in a tux which I will end up suffocating in. "Oh and Midoriya~" one of the woman sang. Ohhh no. Please don't tell me that's who I think it is.


It's who I think it is.


Midoriya and I were measured, stretched, touched and abused all in the space of 10 minutes, before one of the shopkeepers bring up 2 tuxes, one with a green undershirt and bow tie and the other (F/C) undershirt and bow tie. Oh my god. I have to wear this?! Yep. The bridesmaids pushed midoriya and I into a boys change rooms. That was fine, at least they couldn't touch me anymore. A-hem, i thought it was fine until I looked around. All alone with a cute boy named Midoriya, mirrors everywhere and no doors. WHAT!? I swear to god there better be some hidden passage I can sneak into to get undressed. Nope. Just gonna touch the wall all over like a madman until cute boy speaks up. Of coarse.

"I-I'm Izuku Midoriya." He greets. "You can just call me Izuku" he finishes with a smile. "U-Uh um hi, I'm (M/N). There no doors in here." I reply looking around the room once again, before looking back to Izuku. He looks around the room before his whole face explodes in a deep red colour. "U-Um ahh er gah" Izuku spits out trying to speak. I swear, over his mumbling nonsense, I here the bridesmaids snicker outside. I have never met a witch before, now there's a whole room of them past that door. I think. I sigh, "I will get dressed over there, if that makes you feel any better." I point to the further end of the plain painted room, decorated the same as the waiting room. "O-Okay" I hear Izuku say from behind me. I start walking past some of the mirrors and I see my reflection staring back. Just one look won't hurt.

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