Chapter Two

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(Bea's POV)

One of the guys just kinda stood there, staring at me. Did I have something on my face? The Hell is his problem?

"Hi." One if the boys greeted. "I'm Jack Glinsky."

"Bea, nice to meet you." I replied sweetly.

"I'm Cameron Dallas." The one staring at me said. I gave a shy wave, a blush on my face.

"I'm Carter Reynolds." The last on greeted.

"The movie's ready!" Matt called. Me, Jack, Cameron, Nash, and Carter went into the living-room to watch the movie.

"What movie?" I asked, running a hand through my long, brown hair.

"Fate Of The furious." Matt responded,  I mentally did a victory dance. Matt knew I loved that movie, it was by far the best Fast and Furious movie I've seen. I sat between Cameron and Nash, Matt was next to Nash, Jack next to Cameron, Carter next to Jack, Taylor next to Matt.

"Why are we watching this movie?" Jack asked.

"Because it's the best movie in existence!" I answered. Jack rolled his eyes as we continued watching the movie.


"Letty!" Dom shouted as Letty ran away with the case with the nuclear football codes. Letty kept going, and Dom shot his gun in the air.

"I don't know why you're doing this." Letty started. "But I do know one thing: you love me, and you are not gonna shoot me." Letty walked away with the case, but Rhoades shoves her against the wall and puts a gun to her hand.

"Give me the case." Rhoades commanded, Letty didn't budge. Rhoades tried pulling on it, but Letty kept her hold on it. "Alright, I'll just take it from a dead girl."

"You willing to die for it?" Dom asked, putting his gun up to Rhoades's head. He tried prying the case from Letty again, she still didn't let go.

Finally, she let go. Rhoades snatched the case from her, then he turned to Dom.

"Let's go then." Rhoades said, walking away. Dom and Letty looked at each other intensely, then Dom turned around and walked away from Letty.

A stray tear fell out of my eye, I felt someone woe it away. I looked over to see Cameron smiling at me. I smiled back before putting my attention back to the movie.

Eventually, the movie ended, I was crying tears of joy. Cameron rubbed my back soothingly, Matt gave me weird looks.

"Why are you crying, Bea?" Matt asked. "You've seen thus movie ten times."

"It's an amazing story, shut up!" I said, giggling a little bit.

"Let's play truth or dare." Taylor suggested. I swear, I want to rip that bandanna off if his bead and beat him with it. I ended up agreeing anyway, even thought I wanted to kill Taylor.

"Bea, truth or dare?" Taylor asked.

"Dare?" I answered, unsure of what I had just gotten myself into. Nash whispered something into Taylor's ear, and Taylor nodded vigorously.

"I dare you to kiss the person to your left." Taylor said, smirking to himself. I looked to my left, if course Cameron HAD to be there. We kinda stared for a little bit, then we started leaning in. Our lips finally touched, butterflies erupted in my stomach as I kissed him. Cameron smoked I to it, then pulled away due to lack of air.

"That was hot." Jack said, causing both me and Cameron to smack him on the head. "Ow!" The game continued, we got dared to do Nasty things, Cam never let go of my hand. The best part is: Matt seemed to approve so far.

"Bea, would you like to go on a date with me?" Cam asked, I looked at Matt, who nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

"Yes." I answered. Cam smiled, then he kissed my cheek. I blushed while the guys laughed at me.

"Great! Can we meet at Starbucks at 6?" Cam asked, I nodded my head.

"We should all get some rest, we have to leave for MagCon in three days." Carter suggested. We all agreed, and said our goodbyes.

"Bye Cam," I said, Cam smiled and pulled me into his chest. We just stood there for a moment, not wanting this to end. Unfortunately, it did. Cam pulled away as him, Carter, Nash, Taylor, and Jack walked out the door.

"Please be careful with him." Matt said from behind me. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know, and I won't. I really like Cam, and I know we'll make it work." I said, looking Matt in the eyes.

"Okay, you should go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." Matt said, walking upstairs to his room. I grabbed a glass of water, the I followed him. I got into my pajamas, then I slipped into my bed. I let out a sigh as the sleep took over. Next thing you know, I was out like a light.

Bae us on vacation, I miss him. Now all I have to do with my life is write cringy ass fanfiction. Le sigh.

Onto better things! I was listening to the song 'I Can't Breathe' and I had a really good idea for my Jake Dufner fanfiction. So expect a chapter pretty damn soon.

Fun Fact: This was originally gonna be a Nash Grier fanfiction, but I thought of this instead. I'm kinda glad I did though, I like thus prompt much better.

Storytime! My uncle us staying with us for the summer, and he had his girlfriend over last night. It was like 3AM, something like that. I was in the shower, don't ask why I was showering at 3AM,  and I though I heard a moan. So I stopped what I was doing, and I heard it again.

So my uncle and his girlfriend were getting it on in the living room. Like, what the fuck? People sit there.

I literally opened the bathroom door and screamed 'Y'ALL NEED JESUS!' at the top of my lungs.

This my life............

Anyway, I hope Y'ALL enjoyed this chapter, I will see you all in the next on ma dudes. Deuces 👌

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