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Dubu_Dahyun: sana unnie I'm at a cafe. Can you meet me here?

Minatozaki: what cafe?

Dubu_Dahyun: not really a cafe but Starbucks.

Minatozaki: wait you're ready to meet me??

Dubu_Dahyun: no I'm ready to get into your pants -_-

Minatozaki: I'll be there in 20 lol

Dubu_Dahyun: okay. See you then beautiful :).

Sana POV

After I got that text I immediately started blushing. No one has ever said I was beautiful. The way she says it--

Dubu_Dahyun requesting video chat...

I accepted it.

Hello? Is this Sana?

Yes its me

Your voice is pretty

Thanks Dubu

Anyway can I see your face instead of a black screen?

I moved my finger off of my front camera and I seen Dahyun smile.

You are so beautiful Sana

She made me blush again and my heart started to race. What was this feeling?? I've never felt like this towards a girl.

You are too Dahyun-ah.

I can't wait to actually meet you. I wanna spend time with you.

I've been thinking the same

She smiled again. Her smile is so fucking cute.

Well I'll let you get ready.. see ya soon sana

Bye dahyun-ah

Video chat has ended..

(A/N: so if you have no idea where this story is going. Its basically just a random story lol. Anyway hope you enjoyed it. Love you weirdos!)

Texts(SaiDa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon