Peter Parker x Banana

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"We can't just go up there and knock him out! It's not that easy, we need a plan."

"Careful Captain. As far as the government is still concerned, you're a criminal."

   Thanos was coming and he need to be stopped. The Avengers were still trying to set aside there differences, and let's just say, it wasn't going well.

"I'm sorry Strange, but I don't just walk in and tell you how to do things."

"Maybe you-"

   The conference door opened and everyone looked to see who it was. A fifteen year old boy with messy hair the same color as his brown eyes and a backpack obviously weighed down with books walked in mid-bite of eating a banana.

"I'm sorry. This room is usually empty," the boy said through the mouthful of banana.

   Everyone in the room was caught off guard. Why was a kid at the Avengers Headquarters? Tony Stark stood up nonchalantly.

"It's fine Peter. Hey, how's MJ?" he asked walking over to the kid identified as "Peter".

"She's good. Really stressed out about the decathlon, though."

"Good. Good. Hey, the next room over is open. Why don't you go study in there," Stark said while carefully putting his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Alright. See you later Mr. Stark."

   And just like that the mysterious boy was gone. Tony turned around to see the faces of his very, very confused teammates.

"What? He's a good kid. Oh, and by the way, he's Spider-Man."

   Now everyone was even more baffled than they were seconds ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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