Chapter Two

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You all live together now, because you would not let each other leave. But now your all broke, are almost starving.
I woke up and put on F\C shirt and S\F\C shorts. I ran downstairs, and I look in the fridge. There's nothing, except potatoes. No wonder we're broke, we don't have a job and Kaley spends about two million bucks on potatoes! I sigh and head to Faith's room. We might as well eat at a restaurant or something. "Faith, wake up!" I said as I shook her. "What..." She said, her eyes still closed. "I have enough money for us to go eat somewhere for breakfast, so get dressed!" I said. She jumped up and said "Thank God, I'm tired of potatoes." I nodded and went to Kaley's room and woke her up. I walked downstairs to wait for them. Faith came down in a pink tank top, black shorts, and boots. A while later Kaley came down with her hair a mess, her black glasses, a black jacket that is zipped up, black shorts, and black and white tennis shoes. I sigh, grab a hair brush, and brush Kaley's hair. Of course she fights, and acts like a child but I finish and it looks...better. We get into the car, me driving, Faith in the passenger seat, and Kaley in the back. I started driving and Kaley asked "Can you turn on the radio?" I turn it on, and Faith asks "Where are we going to eat?" "If Freddy's is even there anymore, we can get some pizza." I said. They nodded, and I continued our journey.
~ you get there! ~
We get out of the car, wow Freddy's is still running. We head in and I order a plain cheese pizza because we can never agree on what kind of pizza, and Three F\D. We sit down at one of the tables, Kaley glares at Bonnie. I don't know why she always hated him, he's so adorable! "Kaley, why do you hate Bonnie?" I ask. "Why do you love him, then that's why I hate him!" She said. The pizza and drinks came, and we started eating. "Guys, I'm going to go ask the waiter something." Faith said as she walked to a waiter. I shrugged and continued eating. Faith came back and said "Girls they have an open job for all three of us to do!" We looked up at her and I signal for her to tell us what it is. "It's the night guard." She said. "But only one person usually works for the night guard." I said. "I know but I asked if three could do it and she said yeah and we can go talk about it to the manager." She said. "Alright let's go now." I said. Me and Faith headed to the Manager's office, we were half way there when we noticed Kaley wasn't with us. I went back and dragged Kaley as she yelled "NO, ME PIZZA!" I felt lots of staring. We walked in and I stood Kaley up. "What do you want?" A man said in a harsh tone. "Um excuse me. We are here for the night guard job." Kaley said the first part a little to rough. "Oh I'm so sorry, I have been having a bad day." The man said. Kaley rolled her eyes and mumbled something. "It's fine." I said. "Okay, so you want the night guard position?" He asked. "Yeah!" We all yelled. "Fine.. Just come in before twelve am." He said, pushing us out. "That was easy." I said. "Yeah, NOW LET'S GO FINISH THE PIZZA!" Kaley said going back to the table. "Isn't she the best child in the world." Faith joked. I roll my eyes and laugh as we go back behind Kaley.
~ after Kaley finishes the pizza, you head home~
"Well I'm going to bed wake me up when it's work time." Kaley said, falling onto the couch. "Well I'm going to bed too, wake me up also." I said, heading up to my room and falling asleep.

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