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Should really be revising... I mean I have exams in just over a month oops...

Anyway, to anyone who reads these notes, I really really love it when you guys like request stuff so like if you want something written don't hesitate to ask!

Feedback is always cool! please like vote or comment or both or whatever you wanna do it's cool..

love you all!

M xx


There has always been something about books, ever since you were a child. It had always been books, it didn’t matter what genre, and if you were given it you would read it. Simple. Books held this element of mystery, there is only so much a synopsis and a title could tell you. Sometimes reading a book would be too much and you would be up at some ungodly hour in the morning in tears because of a character dying or confessing their love for someone.

One memory of being up at some unnatural hour was the death of Finnick Odair, which was a wound still very much open. The day after reading that you took a trip to the bookstore where you got the book and this carried on repeatedly and before you knew it you were going there nearly every day, for the books of course, not for the insanely attractive cashier who originally recommended that you read The Hunger Games and who you may have spoken to once or twice...

Things change on the Monday you walk into the book store, you walk up and down the aisles trying to find that perfect book when the cute cashier or Michael as you’ve come to know him as walks up to you.

“Hey Y/N”
You look up startled “Oh! Hi Michael”

“Looking for another book I see”

“Yeah...” You trail off sheepishly “But I just can’t seem to find the right one”

Michael smiles “Stay there I have the perfect book,” He walks over to the till and pulls something out from behind it “Read this and get back to me, I loved it, I hope you will”

You thank Michael and look at the time on your watch, seeing that it’s time to get to school you put the book in your bag, you hurriedly thank him again and say goodbye then you’re rushing out of the store and running to school.

It’s in maths when you begin the book, you manage to make it through the first 3 chapters when you realise that some of the words are highlighted in pink. Flicking through the entire book you see that parts are highlighted in the day glo pink all throughout to the end. You look over to your friend and ask her for a piece of paper which she gives you. Starting from the beginning of the book you go through it writing down the words highlighted. You get to the end of the book and you write down the last word, you look down at what you’ve written in front of you to see that it’s a love note. Michael has written you a love note and at the end asks you

will you go out with me?”

Michael must have spent hours highlighting out the entire message. You reread the message over and over again before you’re grabbing your friends arm.

“What?” She asks

“Look” You say pointing to the note

She reads it over “Hate to break it to you but I don’t swing that way”

You hit her with the book “NO! Michael did it”

“Michael? The guy from the bookstore you go to?”

“Yeah, he must have spent hours highlighting the entire thing, oh my god”

“He asked you out through a book?”


“Oh wow” She says, she grabs the book, turns to her boyfriend and hits him with the book. “Why can’t you be romantic?”

You laugh as you watch your friend hit her boyfriend with the book but you soon stop her

“Okay, calm down”

“Yeah, babe I can be romantic” Her boyfriend says

“Prove it” your friend challenges and you watch on as they bicker about random things.

The rest of the day passes slowly but when the final bell rings you’re rushing out the door and running to the bookstore. You compose yourself outside and walk in calmly, Michael looks up from where he’s sat at the counter reading, he smiles when he sees you. You simply hold the book up and say “I read it”

Michael smiles and asks “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, I really like how they got together in the end”

Michael frowns “But they don’t get together...” Then realisation hits him and his eyes widen “You say yes?”

You nod and laugh “I say yes.”

Michael Clifford One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now