Unloved flowers (Part 2)

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((So how are y'all after that cliffhanger? Upset? Mwahaha.))

    Dingbat was still sobbing, and Peanut had crawled under the stall to make sure she was ok. But before she could say anything, she saw the puddles of blood and flower petals scattering the bathroom stall. She looked in the corner and rushed over to Dingbat.

  "Hanahaki...." Peanut whispered. She brought Dingbats tear stained face to look at hers. "Who is it?" She asked softly.

  "I-uh-I.. what?" Her heart throbbed, and she felt the petals coming up again. She moved her face away and coughed up more flowers.

  "It's the Hanahaki Disease. When did it start and who is it for?" Peanut spoke a bit louder.

  "I don't know?" She spoke with fear. Her voice was high pitched, and more tears fell down her face. "I don't why I'm coughing up, these flowers? And blood? It doesn't seem humanly possible!" Her breathing started picking up, and she began to go into a panic attack. "And I jus-I don't know! I was f-fine this mor-morning!"

  Peanut looked at her with pain and worry in her eyes. "Do you need a hug?" Dingbat sorta nodded, choking back more coughs. Peanut wrapped her arms around Dingbat, and rubbed calming circles on to her back. "Hanahaki. The disease of unrequited love. You begin to cough up flowers and blood once you have fallen in love with someone you think doesn't love you back. You have three months to live, and then you would.... well, there are two cures. One, is the person you love admits to loving you back, or two, you have surgery to get the seed of the flowers removed. Although this will remove any romantic and platonic feelings you had for the one you love..." Dingbat listened quietly, and leaned into the hug, calming down. "So," Peanut turned to look Dingbat in the eyes again. "Do you know who it is?" Dingbats eyes went wide, and she got out of the hug and somehow stumbled backwards, even though she was sitting.

  "Uh um, so uh... funny story?" She swallowed nervously. "I, uh,
I can't tell you..." She backed up against the wall and reached for the stall door. Peanut watched her with a curious look.

  "Why can't you?"

  "No reason! I-um, I think I hear people out there waiting for their orders! Yea! Uh, so um, thank you for helping me! Again.. and uh, goodbye!" Before she could go out the door, Peanut got up and walked over to her.

  "So... do I know this person?" Dingbat nodded nervously. "Ok, um, are they a boy, or a girl, or non binary?"

  "U-um, she's a girl." Dingbat looked at the door again, feeling the blush creeping onto her face. She could feel the flowers in her throat still, and her voice was hoarse.

  Peanut's eyes sparkled for a moment with hope. "Oh really? Is she... pretty?" Dingbat nodded. "Is she, smart?" Dingbat nodded slowly again. "Does she have long black hair?" Peanut smirked. Dingbat then realized what Peanut was hinting at. She blushed hard and put her head in her hands.

  "Ugh. You guessed it..." She mumbled. The corners of Peanuts mouth turned upwards. She smiled a huge grin.

"Wait, really? That's awesome!"

"Awesome?" Dingbat looked upwards. "Wait you like me bac-" before she could continue, Peanut had put her lips on hers for a quick kiss. She pulled away, and there was a shocked and beet red Dingbat standing still.

"Um yea ok I have got to go, bye!" Peanut rushed out of the stall and out of the bathroom. Dingbat blinked, and then turned to go after her when she felt herself coughing again. There were still flower petals, but not much blood, and then, she coughed up a flower seed. She felt her throat begin to clear up, and then looked around the stall, figuring she should probably clean up the mess. Still shocked, she decided she'd have to talk to Peanut later. And yet, she was extremely happy.

((Ok it's not the best, but it's my first time writing something fluffy soooo.... yea. Here ya go! Conflict resolved! What can I say? I'm a sucker for happy endings!))

Peanut skipped home, her heart racing yet stopped at the same time. Inside, she was internally screaming, but on the outside she had the biggest grin she could manage. Once she got home, she ran up to her room and squealed into her pillow.

"Did I do that? Did I really kiss my crush of two years? I did! I can't believe it! She likes me back!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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