On Ice - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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Sianie was sad so I wrote this.

Reader insert, a little bit of sweetness with Viktor and you. (Mild blood warning, nothing scary or sad)


The lithe silver haired man glided over, smiling; his forehead glistened, and his fringe hosted small beads of sweat. "How was I?" He smirked, breathing a little heavier than usual. You began to make an unimpressed noise in response when he cut you off by placing his lips to yours. The kiss was short and gentle, and you pulled away scowling. "Not impressed, I see. So, when am I gonna get to see you on the ice, kotyonok?" He purred, unfazed, looking at you with... /those eyes/

You suppressed a shudder as you felt your body tingle. "You know I can't understand Russian..." you muttered, putting on a pout. "You also know I can't skate."

"How do I know you're not being untruthful? You may be here stealing my routines to use against me in the Grand Prix!" Viktor joked, winking and flashing his perfect teeth in a breathtaking smile.

"Shove off," you spat, pushing him lightly. Not expecting your shove, Viktor slipped backwards onto the ice, losing his balance and falling with a thud. "Shit!" You rushed around the barrier onto the ice, slipping a little in your trainers, and made your way to his side, clutching the barrier for support. "Are you okay?"

"Nyet... I'm dying lyubov moya..." he whispered with a dramatic flourish "you'll have to kiss me to revive me..." his voice died away at the end of the sentence: his eyes flickered and closed, and he rested his head on the cold ice. You could see the vapour from his warm breath creating clouds around his face, killing the facade. You snorted, turned, and tried to walk away. You had, however, forgotten how slippery ice is. As you placed your right foot down in front of you, you felt it jet forwards, skewing your balance. Before you knew it your body had hit the solid surface that formed Viktor's dance floor, and your head had landed on something warm and squishy.

You opened the eyes that you had automatically closed, looking up to find his face beaming into yours. "Good thing I was able to catch you!" He exclaimed cheerily. You realised that your head was being cradled by his arms, which he had quickly moved to save you from harm. "Oh..." His expression dulled as his gaze shifted to your left hand. You followed suit to discover a surprising amount of red, creating a dramatic contrast with the ice and your (S/T) skin. As Viktor had moved to catch you his leg had changed position, leaving his left blade in the path of your hand.

"Sit up carefully and slowly move your hand to me," he instructed, helping you into a sitting position. You complied, carefully giving him the offending limb. Viktor cautiously examined the wound before looking back to your face and smiling. "It's all fine, just a light cut." You sighed in relief.

"Let's get you home and bandaged up," he stood and picked you up as if you weighed nothing at all, holding you close to his warm chest where you could feel the pulsing of his heart, and kissed your forehead. You let out a small sigh and closed your eyes.

Perhaps you could tolerate this public affection, just this once...


Post scriptum:

"Make sure you don't get blood on my outfit!" He sang cheerily as he made his way off the ice towards the locker room. You fumed. It was going to be a long journey home...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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