I'm Okay (I Promise).

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☆~A/N. Okay, so I'm going to write a fic. I kinda know where I want to go with it. I think I'll write a few chapters, and if no one likes it I'll give up my writing career (which I don't have...)


•Gerard Way

•Frank Iero

•Ray Toro

•Mikey Way

•Bob Bryar

•Matt Pelissier

•Hayley Williams (Paramore)

•Amy Lee (Evanescence)

•Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)

•Trè Cool (Green Day)

•Mike Dirnt (Green Day)

•Izzabelle Bruce

•Faye Clipper

And then people like bullies, parents, teachers etc who aren't really important to be listed.

Mini Character Description:

▪Gerard Way; Pansexual, 15 years old, his best and only friend is Faye Clipper. He used to spend a lot of time with her, but she's been busy lately, so hasn't seen her much. He gets on with some of the nerds and a few of the only people who don't pick on him, although he hasn't befriended them. Revenge era Gerard.

▪Frank Iero; Bisexual,  15 years old, hasn't got any friends, but gets on with the same people as Gerard. His father sees him once a month, and his mom has OCD. Black Parade era Frank.

▪Ray Toro; Ray is straight, his birthday was last month (March 15th) (A/N I know his birthday is not in March, but I wanted him to be 16, but in Gerard's year too, so I changed the month to March,  but kept the 15th the sane. ), so he is now 16. He's one of the cool kids who is liked by almost everybody, and when I say almost, I mean everybody except those who he bullies. His bestfriend is Mike Dirnt, who is in Mikey's year (year below Ray, Ray is in Gerard's year). Danger Days era Ray. (His 'fros look kinda different in the different eras okay? Okay.)

▪Mikey Way; Mikey is straight, and he is 14. His birthday is on September the 10th (one of the oldest in his year). He is best pals with Bob Bryar,  and no longer talks to his brother,  unless it is to bully him, of course. He's also one of the cool, popular guys. He's a bit of a man hoe lul. Danger Days era Mikey.

▪Bob Bryar; Straight, he was 14 on December the 31st.  He's in Mikey's year at school. He is in the same gang as Mikey, Ray etc and Mikey is his bestfriend, and he once confronted him about his sexuality, because he thought he was gay. This was before they were all homophobic. Bob decided that it was just a silly man crush, and is now straight. He has a massive crush on Amy.  Black Parade era Bob.

Matt Pelissier; Matt has a dream to become a drummer one day, and he is pretty neat on the drums. He just needs to sort his asshole attitude out. Matt is 15 and straight. His birthday was on November the 8th (A/N I had to make up his birthday because I could only find the year he was born, not the month and day, sorry). He is best buddys with Trè Cool and Billie Joe Armstrong,  and is part of ths cool guy gang who bully people. Bullets era Matt.

Short Brief Of The Story

Gerard knew Frank from a few classes, but hadn't really talked to him much. Until Frank is running late for school one day and bumps into Gerard. Neither of them realised that this day changed their lives forever... ~☆

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