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Peanut's POV

I'm excited about school Starting again. A new year, a new start, at least that's what mom always said. It's nice to get out of the house and the chaos, especially now that my little sister Jelly, has become even more annoying over the summer, ( if that's even possible )But it doesn't matter how many new years or fresh starts I have I will always be labeled as-

"Look it's the weird peanut girl!! I heard someone shout from the crowd of the students walking into the school. People look, I'm used to that, it's been that way ever since they took the roll call on the first day of boarding school. 'peanut? your name is actually peanut?' 'let me guess your last name is butter? It is, isn't it!?'

I sighed and kept my eyes in front of me, as I walked to my dorm, room 666. There aren't even 666 rooms in this school, trust me I've checked, so I don't even know why I have room 666.

I love my dorm though, its calm and people don't pass by often. The only person in my dorm last year was Allysa, and let's just say she didn't last long.

I found my dorm quickly, I knew the path by heart. I sighed a breath of relief and traced the familiar burn mark that laced the door from the 'incident' a few years ago. "It's good to be home."


When I walked in I was surprised at what I saw, I expected to see some 'cool girl' with her mascara running, crying that she had to be in the same dorm as the 'weird creepy potato girl' again, but this...this was different.

The bed that I've had my whole time at boarding school had a gray fluffy blanket on it and the nightstand had a pile of books. on the bed sat a girl with long waist length black hair with royal blue streaks pulled up into a ponytail, reading a book, and wearing a black hoodie. even though she was sitting I could see she was at least a head taller than me.

I've seen those movies where you go summer camp or boarding school and find your twin, yeah that would not happen to us. I had shoulder length layered honey colored hair and hazel eyes, I see no similarities...

She looked up from her book as I closed the door, which made the same long squeal sound that sounded like you were killing a mouse.

I could feel her eyes search me as if looking into my very soul, then we met eyes. I didn't really like this girl a lot, she just seemed so stern and rude, but you've got to admit, she's got the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes...

"You must be my new roommate," She said, I was surprised, she had a sweet voice kind of like the melody of a song.

"yes" I choked out. "Yes, I am. I'm Peanut" I held my hand out for her to shake, waiting for her to laugh, waiting for her to ask for a new roommate, but she didn't she took my hand, her warm fingers warming my cold ones.

"Dingbat..." She said.... there was a flash of embarrassment as she said it but she quickly covered it up. Maybe some people have unfortunate names like me...

"Nice to meet you," I said as I went to the other side of the room to unpack my stuff.


"You're not mean....Or ugly...Or weird..." Dingbat said out of the blue.

"umm....Thank you?" I said slightly weirded out.

"No, I mean sorry. I mean, people say you're a mean ugly witch, and that I should ask for a new dorm but I don't see it. Your not mean or ugly." she explained.

I guess I was happy, but I'm not being called not ugly or mean a compliment?

"Don't believe all the rumors you hear..." I said before grabbing my empty water bottle and mumbling something about filling it.

"You forgot your shoes" she called as I was nearly out the door way.

"Uh...I don't use shoes... I'm a.... I'm going shoe free this year..." I said feeling more stupid the more I spoke.

"oh...ok...that's...see you later" She called back, obviously weirded out.

Why do you have to be so socially awkward Peanut? Why, why especially in front of someone like Dingbat. Someone with such pretty eyes... What? no! Shut up Peanut. It doesn't matter anyway, in a few days she will ask to have a new dorm mate and you will be alone again...

Yay first chapter! Help the Revolution and vote and comment :)

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