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I pretend to fix my hair in the mirror while watching Belle Salvatore finishing off her Ginny costume. I wished I went with Harry Potter instead of...

"Bond. James Bond," My sister, Maguire said, mimicking Sean Connery horribly. "The party's about to start and I need to find my friends," I frowned at her Charlie's Angels costume. "No protective big brother face. Is Stoned coming?" Stoned was the nickname we gave our older brother Spector. I shook my head and Belle saw us. She waved with a grin and Maguire waved back with me while whispering. "Will you two just fuck or date or something? The sexual tension is annoying." I gave her an incredulous look.

"You're fifteen, you shouldn't know about this shit," I gently shoved her out of the room. "Please get a jacket so the pervs don't have anything to look at properly," She rolled her eyes and I picked up my fake gun. "It's a jacket or protective big brother face." She got a jacket and we walked downstairs in time for the screaming match.

"I WOULDN'T BE AN ALCOHOLIC IF YOU STOPPED CHEATING ON ME!" I could see neighbours looking at the house as they walked by. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! YOU FUCKED A STUDENT AND GOT HER PREGNANT! WORSE OF ALL, MAGUIRE'S BEST FRIEND!" Maguire ran out of the house and I threw open the living room door.

"Maguire heard you and mom, you were an alcoholic before he started cheating," Dad reached for his belt and I opened the curtains so everyone could see. "Hit me. Hit Spector. But even think about hitting Maguire and the entire neighbourhood would know in an hour." I walked out of the house and right into Belle. She looked concerned. 

"I saw Maguire run out, she looked upset, is everything okay?" I didn't answer, not wanting anyone to know what happened behind closed doors. "St Clair, are they fighting again?" She grabbed my arm. "You can tell me anything. You know that." I couldn't tell her anything but I could tell her this.

"My dad cheated on my mom again and it was one of his students," I saw Maguire reaching her friends. "Maguire's best friend, Lisa and she's pregnant," Maguire punched Lisa in the face. "Oh God. Excuse me, my sister beating up the mother of our sibling," I pushed through the crowd and grabbed Maguire's fist. "I know you're upset but don't take it out on her." Lisa looked at me, her face pale.

"He told you?" I shook my head and she grabbed my arm. "I didn't consent. I didn't want to and I don't know what to do," Belle appeared and put her arm around Lisa as she began to cry. "I don't know what to do." Belle led Lisa over to Belle's mom who was a cop. I let go of Maguire's fist and crossed my arms.

"That's why you get the full story before you throw punches," She started to cry and I hugged her. "If it was the other way round, she wouldn't throw punches," Somebody started screaming about vampires and I pulled out of the hug. "Someone's very drunk already, maybe you should go home and clean yourself up," Simon De Luca, Lukas Costa, Ramona Winters and Rose Di Giorgi came over to me. "How many people saw that?" They all shrugged and more people started screaming about vampires. I started to worry and cops started telling people to get inside when my dad screamed.

"MAGUIRE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" He stopped and I ran home, shoving people aside. I ran inside to find Maguire biting dad's neck. She saw me and I saw mom's corpse.

"Maguire...What are you doing?" She bares her fangs and I discreetly picked up mom's gun from the bookshelf. She dropped dad and jumped at me. I raised my gun and pulled the trigger, tears going down my face. I dropped the gun and held her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," My friends and Belle ran in, I could see them in the mirror. "She killed them and tried to kill me. I killed her."  Belle sat beside me and closed Maguire's eyes, dead people were supposed to look like they were sleeping, even without the bullet hole, she wouldn't look like she was sleeping. More people were screaming, telling their kids to run. Some of the kids ran into my house and the oldest, Caleb looked at us scared.

"Can you protect us? We don't trust anyone but you guys," Before I could say anything, Lukas nodded. "Where should we go?" I set Maguire down and went into the kitchen. I opened the basement door after picking up the gun.

"Go down there and when it's safe, Lukas will get you," Caleb led the others into the basement and I closed the door. "I'll go look for the other kids, who wants to help? Lukas can't go because the kids would be waiting for him to tell them they're safe," Belle held up her mom's gun and Rose grabbed Spector's bat...Spector. "SPECTOR!" I yelled up the stairs as I ran up them two at a time. I opened his door to find his head on his pillow and his body in his stoned chair. I puked into his trashcan and Rose touched my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I gave her a 'Did you just?' look. "I meant are you going to puke more or find the other kids?" I lock and load the gun. "Let's go." Belle stood beside the door and I wished I was wearing something more practical than a suit. We went outside and found Belle's mom dead. I carefully took Belle's hand and squeezed.

"She died a hero. She would've wanted that," She nodded as a vampire stumbled towards us. I raised my gun to realise it was Lukas' dad. "Mr Costa, you're a vampire?" He nodded.

"St Clair...Kill me, please," I lowered my gun and he bared his fangs. "I'll make you. Please...Lukas can't know what I've become. Not after his mom." Rose swung the bat and knocked him out.

"I'll leave him in the woods. He'll probably wake up and burn to death," She put him into her parents' car. "Check all the houses and your costumes are on point. Meant to say before everyone was attacked by vampires." She drove off and we continued looking for the other kids, all we found was Halloween candy scattered everywhere covered in blood.

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