Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Thomas had spent the last few years keeping himself isolated from other people. He had been perfectly content being alone even when surrounded by other rangers or the gangs he went into. Never had he felt lonely but now, riding alone across the dusty texas plains, he felt lonely and alone.

He missed Nathan's arms around his waist and the boys incessant rambling. He had gotten used to listening to Nathan carry on and he found that the silence was nearly deafening without the boy there. Every time he ate a hardtack biscuit he would think of Nathan making faces and calling them dung and he couldn't help but smile.

That boy had definitely had an effect on Thomas and had him thinking about what it would feel like to have children of his own. Of course in order to be a father, he would have to first find a woman that he wanted for a wife.... This thought made Sally come to mind. If Thomas was to ever settle down and get married it would be to Sally Atkinson but settling down and marriage just weren't for him. He had seen and done too much. He lived for riding the open plains and sleeping under the stars and what kind of woman would want to start a family with a man like that?

That didn't stop Thomas from imagining what it would feel like to come home at night after a long day of running fences or outlaws to a warm meal and a warmer pair of feminine arms. He smiled when he imagined their children running to the porch to greet him with hugs and eager questions.

When he would lay his head on his bedroll in the darkness and close his eyes, it was Sally's face he saw. He would remember the kisses they had shared and his body would instantly heat and crave more. He was amazed by the effect that she had on him. After all of this time he had thought for sure that his attraction and feelings for the girl would have died but he was finding that they had not even ebbed in the slightest. If anything they had gotten stronger. The fact that Sally was a grown woman now, with a woman's body only made it that much worse. Hopefully once he was able to have one good roll beneath the blankets with her, he would be able to get this insatiable craving for her under control.

Thomas rode into the ranger camp four days after leaving Atkinson Spread and after putting his horse in the stall, Parker let him know that Captain Wynter was wanting to speak to him up at the house. Thomas walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. He ran his hand over his scarred eye and waited for the door to open.

"Cooper! It's about time you got back!" Captain Wynter exclaimed as he stepped out on the porch.

Thomas shrugged, "I believe I'm back with a few days to spare. I had two weeks to get the boy taken care of."

"Did you get him settled in at the orphanage?" Captain Wynter asked as he leaned against the big white porch banister.

Thomas shook his head. "No, I took him up to those people I know in Bakerstown."

"Oh yeah, sheriff Atkinson and his family..."Captain Wynter clicked his tongue, "That Atkinson fella would make a good ranger. Too bad you can't talk him into coming and joining us."

Thomas nearly laughed out loud at the thought of Captain Wynter giving Brody orders. Brody was the first to admit that he did not take orders well and that was why he had never moved up in the ranks of the army during the war. He tended to laugh at those who tried to tell him what he could and could not do.

"I think Brody is happy where he's at, Captain." Thomas assured the other man with a grin.

Captain Wynter frowned and took a puff off his cigar, "You should mention it to him just the same."

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