🚺 girl, thoughtful

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I couldn't stop thinking about earlier, the way Beatrix stared at me was... a first. She completely ignored Noah and Joachim's hands, instead she opted to greet me. I am definitely overthinking this... today I feel like such a weirdo.

I start to pack my books and folders into my locker, lunch has came already. I expected the first day of senior year to be a little more challenging yet time is soaring by.

Someone clears their throat behind me, I turn slightly.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Romy shrieks, and picks me off the ground, spinning me in circles.

I step out of her grasp and fix my clothes. "You're so much smaller than me, how did you even do that?"

"Must have gained some muscle over the summer." We both laugh a little. "Nah, you weigh as much as a feather, Pol."

I shut my locker closed and hold my backpack strap as we walk side by side to the cafeteria. "I'm not that light, you've definitely been hitting the gym."

"Pfft. That's hilarious, you know I would never step foot in a gym, unless I'm forced to." She says, and it's true. Romy has managed to skip on nearly every gym lesson since middle school, using the most extreme slips, written by herself.

"I hauntingly remember the look on Coach Grants face when he read one of your slips that said 'Romy Davis has leaking warts in every single crevice of her body, due to this she can not participate in gym'". I reminisce and chuckle at the memory.

She laughs loudly. "I wish I could have seen his face for that one, thanks for giving him the excuse slips for all them years."

"It was totally worth it, I hope you choose me this year to be your messenger when the excuse is a physical problem." I said hopefully, honestly I'd be honoured to witness things like that again.

She leans her elbow on my shoulder as we near the cafeteria. "I promise. You will be my go-to." She holds up her pinky and pinky promises me.

"Sweet, that's something to look forward to this year." I say as we both grab lunch trays. Romy gets a pepperoni pizza slice with chips and a pepsi, where as I opt to go for a fruit salad and water. We start to walk in the direction of our table.

"Your lunch is so dull, Pol." She says as she chucks a small chip at me, it bounces off my shoulder.

"Hey," I laugh. "Don't get grease on this top, it's Dior." I say in the best posh accent I can muster. Whilst I am joking, I pray the Dior top isn't ruined.

We place our trays on the table and I see Fleur, Joachim, Noah, Franky and Beatrix.
I smile at everyone and take a seat, Romy sits on one side and Fleur is one the other side of me.

"Who is that?" Romy stealthily whispers, seriously invading my personal space.

"New girl, Beatrix." I whisper back, feeling kind of mean. I'd hate to be talked about right in front of you without even knowing, but I suppose it's nothing bad being said.

Fleur pokes her head into my now shared personal space bubble.
"I totally heard you guys." She whispers. "She's really cool."

I smile a bit and shake my head, making sure that the two girls leave my personal space and pretend like we weren't just whispering.

"What were you lovely ladies whispering about?" Franky asks, as he twirls spaghetti on his plate.

"None of your business, Frankford." Romy says with a smirk.

"Come on, you know I hate it when you call me that, Rom-com." Franky replies, his face showing no genuine sign of sadness or anger, completely the opposite.

Girl, Modern [GxG]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن