he's mine || l.s au - oneshot

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i dedicated this to LarryWriting 'cause she's perf, and i kinda was hoping she'd read this... -blushes furiously-


harry never really labeled himself as a jealous type of person. he thought that it was silly to be jealous of someone; childish in a way. he didn't want to play the "mine" game like a toddler. he could share, he was a mature adult.

however, it was a different story when it came to louis. louis was his, and his alone.

who was louis? louis was the sun. louis was the moon. louis was the air that allowed people to breathe. louis was the fresh water that flowed through rivers, giving people drinkable water. louis was the atmosphere. louis was everything.

to harry.

the "term" louis was to everyone else was harry's boyfriend. and he was a very possessive boyfriend. he would get jealous over the smallest things.

their friend niall would touch louis' arm;

harry would wrap his arm protectively around louis' waist.

someone would look at louis in that way;

harry would instantly pull him into a kiss.

someone would simply brush against louis;

harry would pull him closer because absolutely no one was allowed to touch louis unless he gave them permission.

maybe harry was being the slightest bit ridiculous. louis was a person, not a thing. but, harry knew very well that louis was a person.

it's just that that particular person belonged to him. louis was his and no one else's. he never wanted him to belong to anyone else. because if he did, harry would be broken. he wouldn't know what to do with himself if louis wanted to belong to someone else.

"harry, you're being a little silly," louis once told harry. "i know that i'm yours."

"that's not the point," harry replied. when louis asked what the point was, harry only shook his head. it was just a mental thing harry automatically did. everyone had to know that louis was his. if they didn't, he felt like he'd go insane. it's just how he was.

people needed to understand that louis tomlinson belonged to harry styles. if they didn't, harry would tell them, in whatever way he needed to.

one time at a club, harry was sitting at the bar with louis, and they were having a wonderful time. joking, laughing, smiling... it was just louis and harry time. however, a man came up to louis and started to flirt with him.

"hello there, pretty boy," the man said, his voice smooth and low. louis looked at the man and frowned in the slightest.

"uh, hello," he murmured and looked back to harry. harry however, had his gaze locked on the man, his green eyes hard.

"can i buy you a drink?" the man asked, leaning against the counter.

"he already has one," harry snarled through gritted teeth.

"i'd like to buy him another," the man replied flatly, not taking his eyes off of louis.

"look, man-" louis started, but harry was already on his feet, glaring down at the man, as he was shorter than him.

"you should leave. now," he snapped, his fists balling up tightly.

"why should i?" the man asked, finally taking his eyes off louis to look at harry, an unamused look on his face.

"because i don't think you'd pick up many people with a bloody nose and a broken arm, am i right?"

"are you threatening me?" the man cackled, standing up straight, but he still had to look up at harry.

"harry, please," louis begged, jumping up and grabbing harry's bicep. "don't, please, he's not worth it."

"no," harry mumbled, glancing at louis. "you're mine. he needs to know that."

"harry, i know it, please don't-"

"no, louis," the curly haired lad interjected, turning his head and looking louis in the eyes. "he needs to know."

"c'mon, lad!" the man that was hitting on louis taunted, a wide, slightly drunken smile on his face. "are you going to fight me or not?"

harry gently pushed louis away from him and pulled off his sweatshirt. he looked to the man and clenched his jaw, his green eyes dark and angry.

"throw the first punch, then," he murmured, tossing louis his sweatshirt. the man shrugged and launched himself at harry, throwing a sloppy punch at harry. harry was quick to move out of the way, and the man, obviously a bit tipsy, stumbled. harry grinned in triumph and tackled the man to the ground, pinning him down with a grunt of effort. the man looked up at harry, a pained expression on his face. harry stared down at him, his gaze hard and his mouth pressed in a tight line. he leaned down to the man's ear slowly, breathing heavily through his nose.

"he's mine," he hissed. "you stay away from him, because he belongs to me," he pulled back and glared down at the man as he stood up and brushed himself off. he walked back to louis, who was watching him with wide, wary eyes.

"you're not hurt, are you?" louis asked, scurrying over to harry and handing him his sweatshirt.

"no, love, i'm fine," harry said gently, slipping into the article of clothing. "let's get out of here, yeah?"

"yeah," louis whispered, pressing against harry's side as people watched them walk towards the exit.

"that's it?" a voice called, making harry turn his head. the man had stood and was glaring at them. "i thought you were going to break my nose," he asked in a mocking tone.

"i think i'll just let you off the hook on this one," harry called back, and he left, louis on his arm. he didn't go any further with the man, he didn't want to get into an actual fight tonight.

you're fucking insane, you know that?" louis muttered as they walked out to their car.

"you make me insane, my love," harry told him, his voice full of fondness. before he let louis slip into the passenger seat, he pulled him into a kiss. it was sweet, slow, and louis practically melted into the taller boy, his arms making their way around harry's neck. as harry pulled away, louis groaned in protest and leaned up on his tiptoes to chase harry's lips.

"we need to get home, lou," harry chuckled softly, but complied to louis' wishes, pressing their lips together again. louis only smiled against harry's lips and leaned back against the car, pulling back from the kiss to look up at him.

"i love you, harry," he whispered, nudging their noses together. "no matter how over-possessive you are."

"i love you more, louis," harry hummed softly, nuzzling his nose against louis' cute little button nose. "and i will always be over-possessive, because you're mine, and no one else's."

"i know, darling. i'll always be yours... and you'll always be mine?"

"forever and always," harry murmured and pressed another quick, gentle kiss to louis' perfect lips.

after that, they went home. they went to bed and made love above the sheets, slow and passionate, so both of them could feel everything. louis' soft cries of pleasure echoed through their bedroom, and many "i love you's" were shared between the two. harry's name was also one of louis' favorite things to say, it seemed, during this time. and harry didn't mind at all.

because louis was harry's. and harry was louis'.

harry liked to remind himself every day. he'd wake up, look in the mirror, and smile. a wide, happy smile. and then he'd mutter, for just him to hear,

"he's mine."


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