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♡~Sexy HeadCanon special for 1,000 views. THANKS, BABIES!~♡

◾Does it Mild and Meaningfully.
◾Really likes when a girl sofly tugs on his hair. That's probably the only time he'll let it get messy.
◾K so if you want him in the mood you literally just have to wear tight clothes and hang on his arm all day.
◾He will push your head down instinctively during oral but then immediately apologize because he really didnt mean to.
◾He always tugs on your clothes as if asking for permission.
◾Prefers when you are naked first. He's not necessarily shy, he just makes your body a priority.
◾Its takes him a few times to be confident in what he's doing but if you're patient with him, it'll be worth the wait.
◾Kinda likes doing it to slow romance songs. He gets really into it then.
◾Usually prefers to do it in bed but he wouldn't mind the couch.
◾Isn't one of those guys who's always in the mood and will always be trying to get some. If you're in the mood, though, he most likely will be, too.

◾Makes love Strong and Emotionally.
◾Huge after sex cuddler. If you think you can get away, think again.
◾Treats you like a delicate princess in bed.
◾He not just gonna have sex with anyone and he wants to, at the very least, have dated you for a month before sex.
◾Likes holding you by your waist and pushing and pulling your hips into him.
◾His hands are always on you no matter the position. His hands are strong and calleced but lets be honest, you know they feel good.
◾Is definitely the type to take care of his girl after sex. Cuddling her, cleaning her up, giving her water, running a bath, getting her clothes out, stuff like that.
◾Isn't really a moaner but he breathes heavy and sometimes grunts but damn you know you love it.
◾Is generally sweet and careful with you but you get him fired up enough then God bless your soul.
◾Really loves when he strips you and you strip him and also likes listening to slow jams during.

◾Likes it Deep & Sensual.
◾Focuses mostly on you but makes it good for him, too.
◾Loves closeness. He needs to feel completely connected to you. Like a body and soul deep connection.
◾Whimpers a little when you tease him
◾Feels you up. Each and every curve he has his hands on.
◾Will never not be cuddling you after sex. He loves you and he's gonna continue to show it.
◾Will always be whispering sweet nothings to you.
◾Alright so if either one of you have to go away for a few days or something then you can bet he's gonna be all over you the second you're together again.
◾Not very kinky but i feel like he could bust out a can of wipped cream and fluffy handcuffs if he wanted to.
◾Is always going to be kissing you durring. Always. You gonna moan then you gonna moan into his mouth because hes gonna be all up on you.

◾Bangs Fast and Recklessly.
◾Loves car sex in parking lots. Whether or not people are around or what time of day it is or where you're supposed to be going next, he's gonna wanna do it.
◾Loves makeup sex. Especially after a big fight. Sometimes you wonder if hes hardheaded to you on purpose for that reason but thats just his personality.
◾It makes him go crazy when you flirt with him in public. Sliding you hands across his back or chest, pushing his hand to your ass when hes holding you, purposely dropping something and leaning across him to pick it up. A lot of times he gets too fired up to wait till you get home.
◾He's a multitasker. He'll be kissing you with one hand under your shirt and the other in your pants.
◾Likes taking your clothes off because he's always in a hurry but loves it more when you do a strip tease for him.
◾Daddy Kink. How would he not have one. You know it, I know it, everyone's aware. But that being said its not a full lifestyle. You're not doing all that childish junk and he really wouldn't want you to. Its just that he likes taking care of his babygirl. Just calling him Daddy and needing him is all he wants.
◾Type of bitch to not even let you rest before asking for round 2.
◾Likes doing stuff with people around but them not knowing whats going on. He'll rub you under a blanket, under tabbles, behind counters, anything.

◾Has sex Wild and Hungrily.
◾K so he loves giving head don't even fight me on this. He could eat a girl out and not even expect sex after. He just really likes burying his head between his girl's thighs.
◾Likes when the girls on top mostly so he can hold her hips but also really enjoys looking down on a girl when hes on top.
◾Likes doing it on couches, tabbles, counters, recliners, anything. Sure he'll do it on a bed but thats not a priority.
◾Food sex. He's the type of guy to bust out a can of whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
◾A good majority of his sex is drunk sex. Knowing him, hes probably downed a bottle or two while doing it.
◾He likes doing is in semi-public places. Parties, empty lots, theaters, closets, bathrooms, pretty much anywhere.
◾Loves feeling the chill bumps he gives you on your legs
◾He really likes boobs. He loves them, actually. Nipples are his favorite thing and honstly he likes when he's doing it with a girl without a bra but with a shirt so he can see the outline. Of course no shirt is even better.
◾He's really loves see his girls on their knees. You don't even have to be that good, the sight alone could probably get him off.

◾Fucks Rough and Passionately.
◾Hardcore into bitting come on now. He wants to leaving hickeys and grip bruises so you'll leave scratches and lip stick stains.
◾Light bondage. Like tying your hands up and maybe a blindfold. He ain't no Fifty shades. Maybe like 35 at most.
◾K so he's big into oral. Both giving and receiving but prefers receiving a tad more, obviously. Would and has 69d.
◾Gets off to seeing a girl come undone underneath him.
◾Loves lingerie. Like. He loves lingerie. Its not really that hes a "less is more" kinda thinker in this situation, but he loves when his girl is trying to be sexy for him and him only.
◾The type of person to pull your hair while giving him head and he'd like for you to do the same.
◾Not a big cuddler after sex, more so the type of guy to put an arm around you while smoking a cig in bed.
◾Will not chill and take it slow in bed. If he cares enough he might try but you could tell he'd be struggling with it.
◾Not just a one and done kinda guy. If he dont get at least 2 rounds in then hes gonna be mopey the whole next day.

◾Is always Gental and Caring.
◾If you're in missionary, which you usually are, then he's gonna want to lace his finger with yours.
◾Always asks for your consent. It may seem annoying at times but you love how caring he is. You just say the words and he'll stop.
◾He takes his time to not just touch but feel you. Every movement of his hands on your skin, he's taking mental notes of your body.
◾He's really good at paying attention to certain parts of your body. If you have a sweet spot, he'll find it. If you dont have a sweet spot, he'll still find it.
◾Will get frustrated if he struggles to get your clothes off. Like buttons and zippers and shit.
◾He's got a thing for tangling his fingers in your hair.
◾Loves forplay and always has it before actual intercourse.
◾Loves looking in your eyes during and seeing the faces you make.
◾He's really sweet and will always ask for consent but he isnt always patient with it.

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