Chapter 10:Escaping in the darkness

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Clay woke up, chained up, growling "Ah gods damn it"

Aaron woke up, having anxiety "I-im in chains..oh no..not again...NOT AGAIN PLEASE!"

Nahu sighed "Aaron snap out of it! We'll get out of this, but not if our strongest member is freaking out!"

Richard moaned "I feel like i was beaten so much....i can barely feel my legs..or arms...or my neck..."

Vector had his eyes closed, insects were picking the locks on his chain

Clay looked over and smiled "Vector your more clever then me sometimes"

Vectors insects freeded him and he smiled "She didnt count on the fact i can see in darkness...some insects are nocternal after Nahu slept walk, a LOT!"

Nahu growled "you swore you'd never tell anyone!"

Vector shrugs "Shut it, im going to free all of us" He took out his hook blades 

Aaron looked confused "I thought you used a spear bow thing"

Vector shrugs "A guy can use more then one weapon, cant he? 

Aaron sighs "Whatever just get us out of here"

-meanwhile in Noah's cell-

I  struggeled on the chains that held him "Mom, are you okay?"

Isabella nodded "im fine Noah, but how are we going to get out of here? she toke your daggers..."

I bite my lip "my friends....They'll escape their cell and rescue us...."

Isabella smiled "Noah...Do you really think they'll come for you..? People have been known to betray people from our village...this may be our end..."

I frowned "Stay postive mom! My friends wont let either of us die....i rescued Aaron from a minning city, Nahu and Vector came with me because i asked nicely...Richard just kinda follows us..Clay followed us because we promised we wouldn't betray him....each of my friends has a story to tell, and people to i would protect them, they'll protect me!"

-back with the others-

The only one left to free was richard, Vector sent his insects to pick the lock, but they were instantly swallowed up by darkness

Vector bite his lip "What the hell?"

Aaron cracked his knuckles "Let me try" He brought out his hammar and swung, but it boucned off and sent Aaron into the wall "Ow...."

Nahu smiled "Let me try" He sent a vine into the lock to pick it but the vine got sucked into the the lock"

Clay bite his lip "I Dont have..! i got it!" He ran and got everyones locks and quickly got to work "LEts see, if i do this...then that" he got a very long hook, enchanted with light "Th light should prevent it from being sucked into whatever that lock is...." Clay inched and use his invention, picking at the lock, it eventually broke and unlocked, freeing Richard

Richard stretched "Oh my Gods, i am FREE!"

Aaron kicked him "Shush! do you wan the guards to know we're free?"

Richard grunted "Lets get out of this jail, grab Noah, and blow teh shit out of this castle"

Everyone nodded, using all their power they busted out of their jail cell and began looking for Noah

Sarah, on the other hand, had special plans for Noah.....

Isabella sighed "Noah....if you can it, okay? forget about me..."

I gasp and look, as well as I can, to her "M-mom you cant be serious! I wont leave you!"

A female giggle comes as the cell door opens, and in walks Sarah "Well hello there~"


Sarah giggles, once more "Or else what, hm? Those chains are made to restrain are powerless little boy~ If your smart, you'll listen to me.." She giggles "oh wait! i forgot~ your from the desert, so you obviously dont have brains!"

A hammar, enchated with light, smacked Sarah in the head "Shut the fuck up bitch" Aaron stepped into the room "Sorry we're late Noah"

Vector and Nahu stepped in, along with Clay and Richard 

I smile "can you guys get me out of these chains?"

Richard nods "On it" He swung his spear and cut the chains to my mothers shackels and my own, freeing us

Sarah woke up, groaning "Bastards..." 

I stand over her, cracking my knuckles "I could kill you right here....I realy could...."

Richard growls "NOAH I SWEAR TO THE GODS, IF YOU-"

  I sigh "Im uniting all the new gods and godesses....your a new god...." I extend my hand "Welcome aboard....I hate you with every bone in my body, but i leanred to like Nahu, i'll learn to stand you"

Sarah blushed and stood up, takin my hand "Y-your really offering me a place on your team..? I captured you, your mother...your friends...!"

I look at her "Would you rather we kill you? its currently 6 vs. 1, and one person we have is your opposite in either join us, or die...your choice, im a reasonable man"

Sarah groweled "Clever bastard...fine..." She sighs "I'll join you...."

Isbella smiled "Wel this is touching and all...but um...HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET HOME???"

Sarah smiles "I'll-"

i growl "Hell no! Clay, Vector, you two work together and make somethin to take my mom home, Ricahard watch Sarah at all times..."

Richard glaced at sarah, smiling "Can do"

Sarah growls and hits it "pervert!"

Clay and vector found a way (not important) to get isabella home, and so the group, now with sarah, headed onwards. 

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