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"How, How can you just...kill and it not scar you." I said calming down a little.

"Well Grayson has killed six people and Gabe has killed three. They have been with me for years now and it's pretty normal to kill." He said laying back in his chair.

"That's just- " I didn't finish because I ran out the door. I ran passed everyone I saw the exit the sweet sweet exit was so close. As I ran for it someone pull me by my shirt I keep try until my shirt ripped and then I ran out the door. I was running like hell I didn't even know where I was running.

I finally found my house and I'm out of breath. I reached for my keys and they were not there.


I tried to remember where I last had them. I remember I was walking home with my bag of food and I was holding the keys in my right hand.

I wasn't gonna go get that shit. I checked every window and one was unlocked. I climbed my little self into that window. I was 5'2 and I weigh 103 pounds so i was small.

I close the window and went for the shower. I turned on the shower and hoped in.

I noticed that there was a little bit of dry blood on my forehead as I washed it off.

It's been about thirty minutes of showering and the water was getting cold so I got out.

I walked in the room with the towel around my body. I got my bra and panties and put those on. It was so damn hot so I put on a cropped tank top and some pajama shorts.

It was now 9:27 pm so I decided to sleep. I set my alarm to 5:00 am because I need to do a lot tomorrow.


I wake up to a man pointing a gun a me. I didn't know how to respond so I just froze. He looked twice my age so that kinda made me even more scared.

"If I were you I would scream. I'm actually pretty good with the gun and wouldn't hesitate to shot you." He said tilting his head a little with a creepy smile.

"Ok what do you want?" I asked whimpering.

"Boss needs you to stay with us." he responds.

"Why I don't need to stay." I said with attitude but then realizing that he still had the gun to my head.

"He said he told you things that he shouldn't have and he is afraid of you telling so he needs to watch you" he said raising one eyebrow.

"Maybe I can have you before he does he doesn't need to know" he said putting the gun to my stomach and getting closer to me.

He started rubbing on my thighs and I started to cry a little. "Don't cry baby you might like it" he said breathing on my neck. I was afraid of doing anything because he could end me right here right now.

He started rubbing my heat through my shorts and I started to cry even more. He started to pull down my shorts revealing my heat. I close my legs trying to make him stop. He smacked my face hard forcing my legs open.
'I can't loose it not this way not now' I thought.

I kicked him in the face making him hold his face. I ran for the door but he grabbed my ankles pulling me down. If he gets me now I know for a fact he'll kill me. I started kicking hard and fast trying to make him let go of me. He finally let go and I ran for the door.

I ran out the house as fast as I could my best friend lived like a block away from me so I ran to her house. I was right by the door and I knocked like a hundred of times.

As turned around I was hit in the face with some thing.

Everything went black

I'm so sorry this took forever to update I have been super sick and I'm just now getting better so I finished this chapter. I tried to make this one long because of of that.

What the closest you've ever been to dying?

I have been bitten by my neighbor's dogs and I had to get lots of stitches



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