Found One

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On your boring walk back to Nepeta and Tavros you tired to ignore that strange gut felling that something wasn't right. That you had just missed an opportunity that would make your life easier. Once making it back to your small group you examined them. They looked so small and scared, Tavros was shaking and Nepeta was curled into a ball on the floor next to him. Your next action would either be to speak soothing words to comfort your disgruntled friends, or to get straight to business and wrap their cuts, ask Tavros where his wheelchair is then leave.
"... Ahem" upon softly clearing your voice, they both jumped.
"I'm back...." You walked in and took a sit next to them, they both just stared at you.
"I found some bandages, who's in need of them?" I looked at Tavros' horns, they were cracked at the tips and looked painful. Nepeta leg had stopped bleeding though, that's good, mine had stopped to. Maybe everything's going to be ok.
"I um..... Can you please, um, wrap my horns, if its not to in the way that is..."
"No, of course it isn't Tavros" You stood up and made your way over to him and carefully helped him up sit up.
"T-Thanks Karkat..."
"No problem, now hold still ok?" And with that you then started to gently wrap his horns. It took some time and patience, but you did it.
"All done Tavros, be careful with your movements from now on ok?"
"O-oh... Thanks" You stepped back and walked over to Nepeta to check on her because ever since you got here she hasn't moved or said anything.
"Hey Nepeta..?" You kneeled next to her, putting a gentle hand on her side.
"Nep? You ok?" She grumbled at you and told you to leave her be for a bit, which you'll respect. You got up and walked to the entrance turning to look at them.
"Hey Tavros?"
"Where is your wheelchair?" He looked hurt to be reminded of its existence, which to be fair is a reasonable response.
"Oh... Um.... Last time I saw it Equius was wheeling it off somewhere near his old room, p-probably for spare parts.." Well shit, if its dismantled we're in trouble.
"Alright, thanks Tav" and with that you turned and left, entering the darkened hallway. You were left with
just you and your deep thoughts and memories that you didn't want to be resurfaced.
While on your way to locate Tavros' wheelchair you heard a slight groan, which made you stop. You listened, every sense you have on alert. Nothing. Damn, you could've sworn you heard something.... Or one. You stayed in place for a while, you have no idea how long for, but you stayed. Frozen in fear you missed someone, that they were suffering and that you had just passed them. True, there was a part of you that didn't want the job of checking off the gruesome checklist if your friends are dead or alive. But who would want this job, its fucking awful, not to mention mentally scarring. Anyways, you need to decide, look around and scope the area out or just keep moving. Obviously you're going to choose to examine the area, the chance of another survivor out weighs everything else.
You turned to investigate the room next to you, damn why does it have to always be so dark? You stepped in and cautiously/ nervously asked
"Hello..? Is... Is anybody in here... Preferably alive..." You heard a small measly cough then a groan in response, which was good enough for you.
"Its Karkat, if you can, can you talk at all? Let me know who you are or what kind of situation you're in?" You listened, every hair on edge, nervousness pricked at your heart. Suddenly a small, sickly voice came from the upper right corner.
"Ov-vver here....." You walked over anxiously, knowing in this back or your mind who it was. They coughed again and mumbled something that you couldn't quite make out. Once you made it over you took a closer look realizing who it was and what they had gotten them self into.
"Eridan..? Is that you..?"
"Wwell yeah" Gog he sounded bad. His usual prickly, slightly British accent was wavering and sickly.
"Ok, well what kind of situation you in? Any pain? If so scale it one through ten"
"Cod K-Kar, I don't fuckin' knoww..... Maybe a seven.." At least he still had his spunk, but that pain rating wasn't comforting.
"Ok well, is it in any spot or all over or what?"
"Have you become a fuckin' doctor noww Kar? Because Jebu--"
"No shush. Just answer the gog damned question before I leave your needy ass here."
"Cod ok, ok! In one spot directly, my left leg" Fuck no. I am not sawing off his dammed leg!
"Alrighty, fucking fantastic! Is it trapped under anything or does it just hurt?"
"Just hurt... At least I think, I haven't tried moving yet"
"DAMNIT ERIDAN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO GET MOVING IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!!" There was some silence then I felt bad, the poor guys leg might be screwed and I just yelled.
"Shit I'm sorry, I'm incredibly stressed right now you have no idea what I've seen these past few days"
"...... Its ok...... You're right, I should've tried moving, I was just to scared to."
"That's fine, can you try moving now at least?"
"Yeah..." There was some movement then silence again.
"Shit Kar, I can't move" no..... No... NO!
"C'mon... try again"
"Kar I can't!" He paused to cough. "Just... Go, ok? I'll be fine here"
"Hell no! I am not leaving you. You are sick and weak, I will get you out of here" I am not just letting him rot there!
"...ok fine, wwhat are you going to do then?"
"Cut your leg off." It was all I had now, a simple fix. At least he'd survive...
"WWHAT!? NO!" his breathing sped up "C-C'mon Kar.... V-very funny, you can stop joking noww"
"There is no joke Eridan. I don't know if what ever is trapping you is moveable"
"Wwell can you try to move it?!"
"Ok fine." You moved to locate where his leg was trapped, which he lucked out, it was a bit below his knee. While you were grabbing the thing traping his leg you felt something sticky and warm brush onto your hand. Oh no. Your heart sunk.
"Eridan, you're bleeding."
".... I knoww"
"You knew and you neglected to fucking tell me?!"
"Don't even. I am going to quite possible save your leg right now, just hush." And with that you grabbed the object and lifted it a small amount. To which you felt a nice flow of warm, fresh blood pour from his leg.
"Eridan move your leg!" He did and you set it down, and by setting it down you mean dropped it because you're weak. After you rushed to stop his bleeding.
"Eridan, not to alarm you, but you're bleeding badly"
"I fuckin' knoww, my leg hurts like a bitch!"
"Ok then get up on your good leg and I'll get you to some bandages" He did so to which you basically half carried him half had him lean on you all the way to the "base". Once there you promptly dropped him on the floor and got the rest of the bandages. You rushed over and tightly wrapped his wound only breathing when his rich violet blood had stopped.
You sat back with a breath, still a nagging feeling in your chest that you missed something. But what the hell could it possibly be? You convinced yourself it was nothing, yet somewhere in the meteor there was a dying troll, in need of help only to always be left alone in the dark, crying out for help. But no. There is no one out there, you hear me? No one.

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