My Favourite Place

24 0 0

Phil POV

It was December 24th today. You know what that mean? Christmas tomorrow! Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year. Dan says I act like I’m 6 whenever Christmas is mentioned, which is true. I love the idea of spending Christmas with the people you love. This year was the first year that Dan and I were spending Christmas without our families. They were coming over on Boxing Day for a late Christmas dinner, so it was just Dan and I this year. We had gone shopping last week for the food we would need for the next couple of day.

The living room was brightly lit with the Christmas lights that were hung around the room and on the tree, and it looked so festive with all the decorations up and presents under the tree.

I was sitting on the sofa watching Elf, like I do every Christmas, when Dan walked in.

“This film again?” He asked as he sat down.

“It’s tradition.” I said.

“Yeah, but you will watch to tomorrow and then make everyone watch it on Boxing Day as well.” He said.

“It’s not Christmas if you don’t watch Elf.” I told him. He rolled his eyes, but sat back and watched the rest of the film with me.

When it was over, Dan stood up.

“Well that was a waste of an hour.” He said.

“You enjoyed it, just like you do every year. You just don’t want to admit it.” I said.

“Shut up.” He said, chuckling.

After making dinner and watching more TV, it was now 11:57pm. Dan looked up at the clock, then turned to me.

“Better get to bed or else Santa won’t come.” He mocked, laughing.

“Shut up.” I said, pushing him playfully.

“Well, I am going to bed. I have been up since 5 this morning because of them downstairs.” He said, standing up.

“Alright then. Night.” I said.


“And Dan!” I shouted before he walked off.

“Yeah?” He asked, turning to me.

“Merry Christmas.” I smiled. He looked at the clock to see it said midnight before laughing and rolling his eyes.

“Merry Christmas.” He said, walking to his room. After waiting about 5 minutes, making sure Dan wasn’t going to leave his room again, I quietly got up and tip-toed to my room. I went to my desk and opened the top draw, grabbing the envelopes that were buried in there. I walked back into the living room and placed the envelope with a ‘1’ in the corner under the tree. I then went around the flat placing all the envelopes in their places. Once I had finished, I turned off the TV and went to bed.

I woke up at 6:15am and quickly got out of bed, not bothering to get changed. I ran to Dan’s room and burst through the door.

“Dan! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” I shouted, jumping on his bed. I heard him groan.

“Go away.” He said, turning over.

“No, you have to get up.” I said, sitting down cross-legged next to him. He opened one of his eyes and looked up at me.

“What time is it?” He asked.

“20 past 6.” I told him.

“AM?” He asked. I nodded.

“Sod off Phil.” He said, pulling the cover over his head. I laughed and pulled the cover off him. “No! It’s too cold.” He complained.

“Well get up and get dressed and it won’t be a problem.” I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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