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I held her close before I left our home. Breathing in her scent, I made sure to keep it in mind. "Wait for me to come home," I murmured. I pushed her hair back as I tilted her chin up to meet my lips. Those soft plump lips. I pulled away slowly and turned away from her to the bus I front of our home. Before I got on, I waved and uttered a goodbye.

I held him close before he left our home. Breathing in his cologne, it wouldn't be the last time I smelt it. "I'll wait for you to come home." His large hand pushed away the hair in my face as he kissed my softly. He pulled away and looked at him feeling my eyes brim with tears. Taehyung walked to the bus but as he got on he turned and waved at me. My salty tears fell as I heard him whisper goodbye.

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