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Jordens messages will be in italics
Sammys messages will be in bold

So who is the Ricco/Adym guy

He is just a friend.

Yeah that's what they all say

Oh so now I'm just another girl. Really Sammy thanks for that

That's not what I meant

Oh really then what did you mean. Please enlighten me

Everyone always says they are just friends then things happen

Sammy I would never cheat on you but I guess if you can't trust me then we can't be together. I can't be with someone who can not trust me in sorry

Jorden don't do this I love you and I do trust you it's him I don't trust.

You know what Sammy I'm done don't talk to me please

Jorden has left the conversation


Okay so like plot twist. And I thought I would get this chapter out a little earlier for you guy
Oh and if you wanted to know what I look like it's at the top
Love ya smol beans❤️🌱

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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