Perpetual Cycle

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     True Origin of Species

I suppose that you could call Richard Martin the "True Father of Modern Science".  Never before has someone revolutionized the way we think about our world in such an astounding way.  You see, ever since Dr. Martin was a boy, he had a fascination with organisms, and he was able to see all the creatures he ever needed.  Richard grew up on a farm.

Growing up on the farm gave him a unique look on many plants and animals that later inspired his revolutionary discovery.  He recalls waking up everyone morning at five o' clock and five years old to go milk the cows and feed the pigs.  As he did these things he remebers thinking to himself, "Why are there so many different types of animals?"  He wouldn't learn the answer to that question until he was about forty years old.

Many kids loathed school, but Richard did not.  Every day he had more and more questions he wanted to ask, and school would normally be the perfect opportunity to learn all he wanted.  However, during this time the scientific community still based most of its science on superstition and faith.  Richard learned all of these principles and superstitious theories, and he longed to learn more.

After high school, Richard attended Harvard that he paid for with scholarships.  There he gained an even deeper knowledge of the theories in his textbooks, and he got his PH.D. in Biology.  This is when Dr. Martin's love of the living exploded, and his research boomed and became renown in all the knowing world.  It was this time when he started to notice something strange about the creatures he studied. There seemed to be more behind them than what man had previously thought.

This idea bothered him for many years, and it sparked many different tests and theories that finally gave ihm the solution: energy.  Energy is what created everything.  He realized that energy was everywhere all of the time, so he proposed that it was always like that.  A long time ago there was so much energy that it didn't have a place to go.  So it compacted itself into a dense enclosure that we now call matter.

Since that discovery, mankind has given up the superstitious ideas of Charles Darwin.  We now know that the idea of the Big Bang really makes no sense.  Where did the matter for the Big Bang come from?  Everything that Darwin hypothesized about was based on faith and a misunderstanding of what he saw around him.  The only thing Darwin got correct was the idea of evolution within a species.

Because of the work of Dr. Richard Martin, we have been released from our false beliefs.  He saw that there is no way that we all came from bacteria.

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