Chapter One

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Chapter One

The morning light shone gloriously.

It poked through the blinds and slowly crept through the floorboards. The leaves from the trees outside rustled softly as the birds resting on its branches twittered and chirped while fluttering around, busying themselves for another marvelous day. The scent of heavenly aromas wafting in the air from the kitchen was bound to wake up the sleeping soul.

It was a beautiful morning-

"Darren Pine!"

Or so I thought.

"Get up, dork!"

I just love being called 'dork' especially in the morning. It really ruins the mood for that brighter future up ahead my path.

I shifted under the covers, making a cocoon out of blankets and bedsheets and covered my ears. My sister Megan's voice really is such a pleasant sound in the morning.

It sounded exquisitely like a crow having a very bad case of cold.

"If you're not out of your bed right now I'm going to drag you out and drag you down to hell, you hear me?"

I don't doubt that. I could hear heavy footsteps thundering up the stairs. I let out a long, deep breath. The hound of hell was storming up towards my room.

"Five more minutes," I groaned which I knew would piss her off even more. "Jesus. Give a man a break. We all need that extra five minutes in the morning."

The door slammed against the old, rickety wall and I'm pretty sure all of the old posters hanging up on my wall gave up and lost its will to still stick itself and just fell down to the floor. Poor posters, they've spent years clinging to the wall and never letting go. I guess at some point, we all have to let go sometimes, huh?

The hound stomped across the room and ripped off the covers from me. When she wasn't satisfied yet, she went and pulled up the blinds, burning my eyes and making me temporarily blind. I groaned and buried deeper under the duvet, trying to stay warm in my small, humble refuge a.k.a. my bed.

"Get up."

"Well, try and make me. Nothing's going to pry me away from my gateway to Dreamland, the only place where all my wildest dreams comes true!"

I cried when she suddenly grabbed the ends of my bedsheets and pulled it off my bed, with me still in it. I tumbled down the bed and sprawled down into the floor of my bedroom. I stare up, dumbfounded, at Captain Marvel herself.

"You have school, idiot," Megan says and storms off my room. "Mom's been up and calling you for ages. Move your feet, moron!"

I made a face at her back as she made her way out of the room, complaining how disgusting it was to step inside my chambers.

"Breakfast is almost gone!"

That one got me. I got up to my feet faster than the speed of light.

Never ever skip breakfast, that's my life motto. Especially when it's bacon and eggs because, come on, bacon is everything. According to research, it's where you get your energy for the day and it boosts your metabolism. In fact, we should never ever skip every meal of the day. Especially when there's bacon in it.

My hand automatically shot out and grabbed a piece of juicy bacon as I rounded the kitchen counter. Mom was nowhere to be seen and Megan was busy talking to her phone. I made a face and gagged. She's probably talking to one of her boyfriends again.

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