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Next thing I know I'm standing inside a room with dark walls and only a single bed for furniture. Of course like any person with a bit of sense my first reaction was to scream. "HEY!" I heard Crowley yell. Quickly I clamped my hand over my mouth and spun around. There he was standing with his hands over his ears. "Are you done now?!" I couldn't reply I was shaking so bad. How can this be real. It can't be it must be some kind of sick joke. "It's not a joke love," he said with a sneer on his face. This whole mind reading thing was getting old fast. "But how?.. wha?.. " I stopped talking since I couldn't form a sentence.

He took a step toward me and said "Let me explain this to you. You have just been kidnapped by the King of Hell. Yes I really am the King of Hell. Yes demons do exist and I'm one of them." This can't be real. "Now I'm going to tell you a few of my rules. If you don't follow them you will be severely punished. If your a good girl you'll be rewarded. Rule one, no talking back to me or being a smart ass." Now as I really took in what was happening to me tears started to roll down my cheeks. "You will do exactly what I ask of you no matter what it is. Oh, and if you try to run away I'll put chains on you. If you have any questions you may ask me. That seems to cover it for now.Any questions?" I still couldn't move. "No? Well I'll be going then." Then he walked toward the door, I hadn't noticed that before, walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

As soon as I heard his footsteps fade away I ran for the door and tried turning the knob. It was locked of course. I sank down to the ground and cried. And I mean I really cried. Sobs that left me out of breath and as soon as I thought I was done it started over again. Minutes, hours, sometime later I gathered up the strength to walk over to the bed and fall onto it. I was asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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