Chapter 1

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Guardians of the Galaxy POV:

Gamora heaved the heavy pack off her back and threw it down by Groot, who was sitting there with his arms folded and staring at the ground in front of him.

'Complete waste of time if you ask me I mean your not but I'll say it anyway. Waste of time Quill' Rocket followed Gamora's actions and threw the rucksack down on Groot's foot.

'I am Groot!' He gritted his teeth and knitted his branch eyebrows together; this earned a glare (and a 'not now' look) from Gamora. 

'The Raccoons right Quill we could have done the job a lot better if you had listened to my idea then we would have been payed.' Drax cut in, Rocket started fuming at the comment.

'Firstly I'm not a RACCOON. Second yes we would be an awful lot richer at this moment if you hadn't gone off and done 'Your own thing' while we tried to handle the infestation.' 

'Hey' Quill protested standing up, dropping his pack o the floor, and squaring up to Rocket.

'I am Groot,' Groot looked up hopelessly: they were off again, it had been constant arguing since Thanos had escaped the radar and could not be found even in his teenage state Groot could understand that this was bad.

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