It's Not a Date!

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A loud, obnoxious set of beeps echoed through Dipper's ears, causing the 15 year old to wake from his calm sleep. Dipper yawned and pulled his sleep heavy body out if bed. His brown eyes darted to the calendar and a smile spread on his lips.

"Oh right, I'm hanging out with Robbie today!" Dipper's cheeks burned softly and his heart thumped in his chest.

Swallowing, Dipper jumped out if bed completely and ran over to his bags where he looked through his clothes. Finally he decided on a pair of light grey jeans, a orange shirt, and a thin black-blue vest, and of course his signature white and blue pine tree hat. Once decided he escaped to the bathroom where he changed into his day clothes.

" hair is sticking up." Dipper frowned and wetted his hand before rubbing it over the fluffed up part of hair. Despite the work it stuck up the moment he moved his hand.

"Dipper!" Mable crashed through the door, making Dipper jump and almost fall.

"Mable I could have been naked!" He gave her a deep frown, to which she laughed.

"You've been in here for 15 minutes. I was pretty sure you weren't naked." She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Your hair is sticking up by the way." She licked her hand and fixed the sticking up hair. This time it stayed down.

"Ew!" Dipper whined and swatted her hand away. "Was there something you needed?"

"Oh yeah, the season two finale of Ducktective is airing today. Wanna watch it with me, Candy, Grenda, and Wendy?" She asked.

"Thanks Mable but I uh I already have plans." Dipper smiled sheepishly, his pale cheeks tinted red as he scratched his arm.

"Oh. My. Goodness! Dipper you have a date!" The teen squealed and hugged her twin tightly. She pulled away after a bit and met his shy gaze.

"W-Woah Mable! It's not a date!" His whole face heated up in a blush. "I-I'm just hanging out with Robbie..."

"O-Ho you have a date with Robbie~" She cooed and hugged Dipper. "I so ship it! Candy! Grenda! I have a new ship!" Mable let go and turned around, running out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

"Wait! Its not a date!" Dipper yelled after her. Sighing, Dipper looked at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were red, his brown hair laid in a fluffy mess on his head. Shaking his head, Dipper put his hat on his head, hiding his unruly mop.

"Date? What date? There is no date! Right?" Dipper said to himself as he made his way down the stairs and towards where he left his shoes.

"Dipper~" Mable sang from the other room. "Your date is here~"

"Mable its not a date!" Dipper denied and pulled on his shoes.

The brunette make rounded the corner and over to the door, where Mable was talking to Robbie.

"-so anyway Unicorns are major jerks you know?" Mable said as Dipper got into ear shot.

"I'll never understand you." Robbie blinked and glanced over to dipper. A small smile slipped it's way to the older teen's lips, making Dipper's face heat up all over again. "Come on kid, let's go."

"R-Right." Dipper walked faster and slipped out of the house with Robbie by his side.

"Don't bring him home too soon!" Mable winked, making Robbie raise his brow in confusion.

"What is she talking about?" Robbie looked back down at Dipper.

"Who-Who knows?" Dipper swallowed, playing with his hands. "It is Mable after all."

It's Not a Date!(Robbie x Dipper One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now