the skelebros

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coldness and trees that's all i see well right now "i should have brought my hoodie dam it " i kept walking as i came upon a big branch. i tried to pick it up but it didn't work out so i went around it "you know if you let me take control i would fly over it" "yes, yes night i know you have wings stop bragging" i said and that ended the conversation. i heard a loud crack ,i looked behind me and the big branch was broken "oh shit" as i kept walking till i heard someone walking behind me so i started to walk faster till i came upon a barricade? or it looked like one "human   don't you know how to greet a new pal    turn around and shake my hand" 'i'm dead' i think as i turn around and shake the strangers hand, a fart sound i start laughing "the  whoopee cushion in the hand trick its always funny anyway i'm sans, sans the skeleton" i look up and its the same skeleton in my nightmare "wow you must get a skele-ton of puns from being a skeleton and my name is y/n" i say trying to keep my cool from meeting the person who killed me in my dream "nice name i'm supposed to be on watch for humans but i don't really plan on catching anyone" 'oh thank god' "now my brother papyrus he's a human hunting fanatic" 'aw shit now i'm going to getting captured' "but he wont hurt you come on my brother will be really happy when he sees you" he went right through and i followed him. a tall skeleton came our way and stopped right in front of us "SANS WHAT ARE YOU DOI-" he looked at me then sans then back at me "look paps i caught a human" i looked at sans with an 'are you fucking serous' face he just shrugged and looked at pap again. pap just came and pick me up "lets go sans this human is special" i was startled when pap picked me up since i though he was going to hurt me but wrong

*time skip to there house*

wow pap really likes puzzles and a thing called spaghetti i don't know what that is all i got was scraps of food every Sunday "we'er here" sans said opening the door to this amazing looking house. when we went in i was surprised at how big it was "whats with that face kiddo" sans asked "oh i never saw a place like this" i said as paps put me down my tail wagged much faster than before as i started to run around there house looking at every thing i heard sans chuckle at my energy "so human do you want some spaghetti?" i looked at him with a confused face "kiddo you do know what spaghetti is right?" i slowly shook my head no and look at sans "i never really had any thing but scraps" i said and went into the kitchen with sans following "oh you messed up y/n" oh god i wish i could yell at her but i don't want to get weird looks. papy put a plate of what i think spaghetti is. i took a small bite and i loved it, i ate all of it and put the plate in the sink "thank you for the good food" i said as i walked into the living room and laid down a few minutes  passed and sans walked in and looked at me laying down "so if you want to sleep you can sleep in my room and i will sleep on the couch" "no i will sleep on the couch" he is not taking  no for an answer "no kid i will sleep on the couch" i was about to say something but i was already in his room "how the fuck did that happen" i looked around and saw a small tornado with trash in it and a small bed "really sans" i sighed and laid down and fell asleep

Sans p.o.v (finally XD)

i  teleported y/n to my room wow was she stubborn "sans where did the human go?" "she went to bed i let her sleep in my room" i laid on the couch "sans you still haven't picked your sock up" not this again "i'll do it soon" i heard the kid yell from upstairs i laughed at this and fell asleep.

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